wan_xie2007 发表于 2010-3-31 16:11:51


首先,可以从LR函数帮助中查找到fopen函数定义如下,返回值是FILE *类型。FILE *fopen ( const char *filename, const char *access_mode );


file_stream = fopen(filename, "r")== NULL ;


Action() {

   int count, total = 0;
   char buffer;
   long file_stream;
   char *filename = "c:\\readme.txt";

   /* Open the file with read access */
   if ((file_stream = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL ) {

          lr_error_message("Cannot open %s", filename);
          return -1;

   /* Read until end of file */
   while (!feof(file_stream)) {

          /* Read 1000 bytes while maintaining a running count */
          count = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 1000, file_stream);
          lr_output_message("%3d read", count);

          /* Check for file I/O errors */
          if (ferror(file_stream)) {

               lr_output_message("Error reading file %s", filename);

          total += count; /* add up actual bytes read */

   /* Display final total */
   lr_output_message("Total number of bytes read = %d", total );

   /* Close the file stream */
   if (fclose(file_stream))
          lr_error_message("Error closing file %s", filename);

   return 0;

sunzhenguo1010 发表于 2010-3-31 16:17:50

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