lq1107 发表于 2009-7-29 17:42:16

QC10 Demo 工作流定制实例

' Set UI properties of the given field
' Arguments:
'   FieldName (string)      - the name of the field
'   fldIsRequired (boolean) - value of IsRequired property of the field
'   fldIsVisible (boolean)- value of IsVisible property of the field
'   fldPageNo (number)      - value of PageNo property of the field
'   fldViewOrder (number)   - value of ViewOrder property of the field
Sub SetFieldProperties(FieldName, fldIsRequired, fldIsVisible, fldPageNo, fldViewOrder)

Fields(FieldName).IsVisible = fldIsVisible
Fields(FieldName).IsRequired = fldIsRequired
    Fields(FieldName).PageNo = fldPageNo
    Fields(FieldName).ViewOrder = fldViewOrder

End Sub

' Verify the Severity and Priority values correspondance to defect Category
Function Verify_PriorityByCategory

Select Case Fields("BG_USER_05").Value
      ' The 'Functionality Suggestion' must have the Severity and Priority <= 3 - High
      Case "Functionality Suggestion"
          If Not Fields("BG_SEVERITY").IsNull And _
               Fields("BG_SEVERITY").Value <> "3-High" And _
               Fields("BG_SEVERITY").Value <> "2-Medium" And _
               Fields("BG_SEVERITY").Value <> "1-Low" Then
               ReportError "The 'Functionality Suggestion' <Severity> should be '3-High' or lower."
                Verify_PriorityByCategory = False
                Exit Function
            End If
         If Not Fields("BG_PRIORITY").IsNull And _
               Fields("BG_PRIORITY").Value <> "3-High" And _
               Fields("BG_PRIORITY").Value <> "2-Medium" And _
               Fields("BG_PRIORITY").Value <> "1-Low" Then
               ReportError "The 'Functionality Suggestion' <Priority> should be '3-High' or lower."
                Verify_PriorityByCategory = False
                Exit Function
            End If
      Case "UI Suggestion"
          If Not Fields("BG_SEVERITY").IsNull And _
               Fields("BG_SEVERITY").Value <> "2-Medium" And _
               Fields("BG_SEVERITY").Value <> "1-Low" Then
               ReportError "The 'UI Suggestion' <Severity> should be '2-Medium' or lower."
                Verify_PriorityByCategory = False
                Exit Function
            End If
         If Not Fields("BG_PRIORITY").IsNull And _
               Fields("BG_PRIORITY").Value <> "2-Medium" And _
               Fields("BG_PRIORITY").Value <> "1-Low" Then
               ReportError "The 'UI Suggestion' <Priority> should be '2-Medium' or lower."
                Verify_PriorityByCategory = False
                Exit Function
            End If
      Case "Security Issue"
          If Not Fields("BG_SEVERITY").IsNull And _
               Fields("BG_SEVERITY").Value <> "3-High" And _
               Fields("BG_SEVERITY").Value <> "4-Very High" And _
               Fields("BG_SEVERITY").Value <> "5-Urgent" Then
               ReportError "The 'Security Issue' <Severity> should be '3-High' or higher."
                Verify_PriorityByCategory = False
                Exit Function
            End If
         If Not Fields("BG_PRIORITY").IsNull And _
               Fields("BG_PRIORITY").Value <> "3-High" And _
               Fields("BG_PRIORITY").Value <> "4-Very High" And _
               Fields("BG_PRIORITY").Value <> "5-Urgent" Then
               ReportError "The 'Security Issue' <Priority> should be '3-High' or higher."
                Verify_PriorityByCategory = False
                Exit Function
            End If
      Case Else
    End Select

    Verify_PriorityByCategory = True

End Function

' Report error (message box) to the user
Sub ReportError(Msg)
MsgBox Msg, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Workflow Error"
End Sub

Sub Bug_New
Fields = Bug_Fields
'Enter code to be executed before opening a new bug form

' Set fields layout in the Add Defect form
    ' Set default values for the fields


End Sub

Sub Bug_FieldChange(FieldName)
Fields = Bug_Fields
'Enter code to be executed after a bug field is changed

    ' Set RDComments_IsChanged flag if the R&D Comments field was changed
    If FieldName = "BG_DEV_COMMENTS" Then
      RDComments_IsChanged = True
    ' Set Status_IsChanged flag if the Status was changed to 'Rejected' or 'Reopen'
    ElseIf FieldName = "BG_STATUS" Then
      If Fields("BG_STATUS").Value = "Rejected" Or Fields("BG_STATUS").Value = "Reopen" Then
      Status_IsChanged = True
          Status_IsChanged = False
      End If
    End If

WizardListCust ' Added by wizard

End Sub

Sub Bug_MoveTo
Fields = Bug_Fields
'Enter code to be executed after another bug receives focus


    ' When moving to the defect, its R&D Comments and Status fields were not changed yet
    RDComments_IsChanged = False
    Status_IsChanged = False

WizardListCust ' Added by wizard

End Sub

Function Bug_CanPost
Fields = Bug_Fields
Bug_CanPost = True
'Enter code to be executed before current bug is posted
'if you want to abort posting, use Bug_CanPost = False

' For new defect (that was not submited yet, BG_BUG_ID is always Null
    ' This can be used to perform diferent verifications for defects
    If Fields("BG_BUG_ID").IsNull Then
      ' Verify the constrains for the new defect before submit
      Bug_CanPost = AddDefect_VerifyConstrains
      If Status_IsChanged And Not RDComments_IsChanged Then
          ReportError "You must provide the explanation in <R&D Comments>" & _
                  " when defect <Status> is changed to '" & Fields("BG_STATUS").Value & "'"
      Bug_CanPost = False
      End If
    End If

    ' Verify the Severity and Priority accordance to defect Category
    If Bug_CanPost Then
      Bug_CanPost = Verify_PriorityByCategory
    End If

If Not Bug_CanPost Then
    Bug_CanPost = False
    Exit Function
End If

愤怒的黄瓜 发表于 2009-7-31 11:35:48


橙子 发表于 2009-8-5 15:37:32


peterz 发表于 2009-8-5 16:22:20

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查看完整版本: QC10 Demo 工作流定制实例