zaza9084 发表于 2017-11-22 16:18:20

【推荐原文】6 ways to rightsize your tests with analytics

原文作者:Ori Bendet

  The way organizations develop software has changed significantly over the last few years. From agile to DevOps to continuous everything, developers are running faster and developing more content in less time.  As a tester, you've got to keep up. You must enable the business to run faster and decrease time-to-market, but without damaging the quality of the product, which would negatively affect the value of your brand. Users expect fast updates, fixes, and feature enhancements to products that they use and love. And you need to achieve all of this while reducing costs. So how do you rightsize your tests to strike the right balance?  Testing without a plan can result in high costs and time spent on areas of the product that yield little value. But it’s possible to reduce the amount of testing you do significantly while maintaining reasonable levels of confidence through regression. Below I offer six tips for striking that balance. First, however, you need to understand the challenges.  The challenges in test management, design, and execution  As a test engineer, you work with modern apps that are no longer simple client/server software. Applications often involve multiple services, sometimes from third parties, served from cloud infrastructures. Development teams are moving away from waterfall methodologies and into constant feedback and continuous testing throughout the development cycle.
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