草帽路飞UU 发表于 2017-7-21 11:52:06


It seems only a few Facebook 'likes' ago that videos of kids tasting lemon for the first time was the big thing in the online land of funny baby fads.不久之前,Facebook上点赞最多的还是那个宝宝第一次吃柠檬的视频,它从网上扎堆出现的搞笑婴儿风尚中脱颖而出。But the newest craze chocking up Instagram and Pinterest feeds simply involves drawing strange, slightly sinister eyebrows onto a baby's face and taking a picture of it.但是最近Instagram和Pinterest上最流行的是给婴儿画上奇怪甚至有点凶恶的眉毛然后再拍张照片。And Halloween is still five months away!要知道万圣节还有5个月才到呢!While some commentators have been quick to call the trend 'cruel', parents are shrugging it off as harmless.一些网友发表评论说这个新潮流“很残酷”,但是父母们却表示无所谓,没什么害处。In a case of interesting timing, the fake eyebrow movement comes months after Kim Kardashian was accused of altering the brows of her daughter, North, who was six-months-old at the time.巧合的是,这个假眉毛运动正好发生在美国社交名媛金·卡戴珊被批给6个月大女儿诺斯修眉几个月之后。Before and after photos seemed to show the celebrity spawn with dramatically different eyebrows that suddenly seemed shaped and filled out in all the right places.修眉前后对比照片似乎显示了诺斯与众不同的眉毛突然看起来有型了,而且眉毛都长在了合适的位置。Kardashian called the claims 'pretty sick'.卡戴珊则称这项指控令人不舒服。‘Do people really think I would wax my daughters eyebrows so young? Come on, I'd wait until she's at least 2 1/2!她表示:“人们真的以为我会在女儿如此小的时候为她修眉吗?我至少会等她长到2岁半。”‘I'm kidding!!! Its pretty sick for people to insinuate that I would wax my daughters eyebrows. They are thick, natural and amazing!’我是开玩笑的。人们就据此影射我给女儿修眉令人生气。实际上,诺斯的眉毛是天然的,只是很浓密,看起来很夸张。”

乐哈哈yoyo 发表于 2017-7-21 16:10:53


悠悠小仙仙 发表于 2017-7-21 16:11:35


梦想家 发表于 2017-7-22 09:05:13


清晨一缕阳光 发表于 2017-12-27 16:48:33

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郭小贱 发表于 2017-12-28 11:12:44

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查看完整版本: 顽皮爸妈掀起网络热潮:给宝宝画夸张眉毛