TA的每日心情 | 衰 2018-3-9 11:42 |
签到天数: 2 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.1]测试小兵
性别:男 专业:信息管理与信息系统
手机: 13764585050 E-mail:huanghui@vip.163.com
职 业 技 能:
了解配置管理工具CVS和VSS,测试管理工具Quality Center,能使用自动化测试工具QuickTestProfessional和Robot对软件进行功能测试,使用自动化测试工具LoadRunner对软件进行性能测试;
1. 编程语言:熟悉C语言编程,了解C++、delphi、VB等编程语言;
2. 操作系统:熟悉Windows,能够使用Linux系统常用指令安装LAMP;
3. 数据库:掌握数据库基本原理,熟悉SQL Server2000,能够熟练运用SQL语句;
4. 网络:熟悉计算机网络原理, TCP/IP网络协议和OSI模型;
5. 英语水平:CET-4
项 目 经 验:
2007.05—2007.06 统计代码行工具Counter V1.0
1. 完成对需求规格说明书、概要设计说明书和详细设计说明书的评审。
2. 根据测试计划、方案的规范完成单元、集成、系统阶段测试计划、方案的写作。
3. 使用等价类、边界值、正交分析等用例设计方法及大爆炸、自底向上等测试策略来进行编写系统、集成和单元测试用例;
4. 使用TCL、CPPUnit搭建单元测试环境,使用TCL搭建集成测试环境,手动执行系统测试,测试执行完毕提交缺陷报告、测试日报和测试报告。
工 作 经 验
2006.7-2007.1 浙江维康药业有限公司 网络管理员
2002.9-2006.7 就读于浙江工商大学计算机与信息工程学院
2007.3-至今 在交大慧谷学院接受51testing软件测试工程师培训。
Objective Software Testing Engineer
Basic Information
Degree: Bachelor
Gender: Male Major: information management and information system
Mobile: 13764585050 Professional Skill
Software Testing
1. Familiar with the entire life cycle of software developing;
2. Use skillfully case design methods such as equivalence class, boundary value, orthogonal test, decision table, cause-effect graph and some main test strategies to designing test case, including system, integration and unit test case design;
3. Know how to write plan of software testing plan, design of testing and case of testing, be able to execute case of testing by oneself and write report of testing;
4. Build skillfully test environment, and execute integration and unit test by means of TCL tool and CppUnit tool;
5. Have good understand of QC and CVS, able to conduct basic operation by QTP, Robot, and LoadRunner.
Operating System
Familiar with the Microsoft operating system the Windows series, understand the Linux operating system;
Programming Language
Familiar with visual C++6.0, understand Visual Basic, Delphi and so on;
Acquaint with SQL Server, including language SQL and database transaction;
Understand the computer network principle,
Understand the OSI model and the TCP/IP agreement as well as the HTTP agreement.
English Levels:CET-4
Project Experience
2007.5—2007.6:Counter v1.0
Project description:count the total code line, space line, comment line and neither space line nor comment line of the .c/.cpp source code file.
Responsibility and experience:
1. Establish the system test plan, test case and execute, and complete test report, bug report. In this stage, practice various methods of black box test, and have further understanding about function of test in the software engineering.
2. Design integrate test case, and build automation test environment, running test case by programming TCL script. In this stage, understand the meaning of automation test and can use well in the work.
3. Establish unit test design test case, and build automation test environment in TCL and CPPUNIT. In this stage, understand the driver function, stub function, logic coverage and can use well in the work.
Work Experience
2006.7-2007.1 The network officer of Zhejiang weikang medicine industry company
Education & Training
2002.09-2006.07 ZheJiang GongShang University Bachelor Degree
2007.03-2007-07 Training of 51testing software testing engineer |