1. Writing output file to an external file
#include "as_web.h"
long stream;
char kmp1[6];
lr_vuser_status_message("Iteration %s", lr_eval_string("{it_number}")); //iterations
if( (stream = fopen( "E:\\Current_LTProjects\\test\\order1.txt", "a" )) == NULL )
lr_output_message("Iteration Number:""%s",lr_eval_string("{it_number}"));
strcpy (kmp1,lr_eval_string("{it_number}"));
fprintf(stream,"Iteration number:%s",kmp1);
return 0;
2. Randomly clicking on URL within a set of URL’s
#include "as_web.h"
int i, rand_selection;
char my_new_parameter[20];
lr_set_debug_message (LR_MSG_CLASS_PARAMETERS, 1);
web_reg_save_param("search_param", "LB=<p><a href=", "RB=>", "ORD=All");
"Name=hl", "Value=en", ENDITEM,
"Name=ie", "Value=UTF8", ENDITEM,
"Name=oe", "Value=UTF8", ENDITEM,
"Name=q", "Value=Bos", ENDITEM,
"Name=btnG", "Value=Google Search", ENDITEM,
lr_output_message("******************** There were: %s matches", lr_eval_string("{search_param_count}"));
for (i = 1; i <= atoi(lr_eval_string("{search_param_count}")) ; i++)
sprintf (my_new_parameter, "{search_param_%d}", i);
lr_output_message ("%s", lr_eval_string(my_new_parameter));
rand_selection = (rand() % atoi(lr_eval_string("{search_param_count}")) + 1);
lr_debug_message(LR_MSG_CLASS_PARAMETERS, "*************rand selection is %d", rand_selection);
sprintf(my_new_parameter, "{search_param_%d}", rand_selection);
lr_debug_message (LR_MSG_CLASS_PARAMETERS, "The random parameter selection is %s", lr_eval_string(my_new_parameter));
lr_save_string(lr_eval_string(my_new_parameter), "my_new_parameter");
return 0;
3. Declare transaction name dynamically
#include "as_web.h"
Purpose: This script shows how to create dynamic transaction names. The transaction will
not show up in the Controller interface but will in the analysis results.
// declaring variables for transaction names
char trans_name[20];
char *name;
name = "tom";
// creating the dynamic transaction names
sprintf(trans_name, "tom_%s", lr_eval_string("{rand_num}"));
lr_end_transaction(trans_name, LR_AUTO);
sprintf(trans_name, "tom_%s", lr_eval_string("{rand_num}"));
lr_end_transaction(trans_name, LR_AUTO);
lr_output_message("==>%s", name);
return 0;
4. String Usage
// Example 1:
// declaring a prototype
char *strtok(char *, char *);
/* this forces the intepreter to save input_line in read/write memory.
If a character array is used, value would be save in read only memory
and would cause a memory violation when strtok is used. */
char input_line[100] = "Hi, my name is tom.";
// variable to hold a word from the above phrase.
char *word;
// gets the first word in the phrase.
word = strtok(input_line, " ");
// prints out the whole phrase. One word at a time.
while (word != NULL) {
lr_output_message("===>%s<===", word);
word = strtok(NULL, " ");
} // End of While
return 0;
// declare a prototype
char *strstr(char *, char *);
// declare C variables
char str2[10] = "name";
char str1[50] = "Hi, my name is tom";
char *temp_buf;
// Example of how to print out the values
lr_output_message("===>%s<===", str1);
lr_output_message("===>%s<===", str2);
// example of how to use strstr
lr_output_message("===>%s<===", strstr(str1, str2));
temp_buf = strstr(str1, str2);
lr_output_message("===>%s<===", temp_buf);
return 0;
char *strtok(char *, char *);
char *strdup(char *);
/* this forces the intepreter to save input_line in read/write memory.
If a character array is used, value would be save in read only memory
and would cause a memory violation when strtok is used. */
char *input_line = strdup("Hi, my name is tom.");
char *word;
// variable to hold a word from the above phrase.
word = strtok(input_line, " ");
// prints out the whole phrase. One word at a time.
while (word != NULL) {
lr_output_message("===>%s<===", word);
word = strtok(NULL, " ");
} // End of While
return 0;
5. For IP Spoofing – To find out name of host machine
#include "as_web.h"
char *my_ip;
char *my_host;
my_ip = lr_get_vuser_ip();
my_host = lr_get_host_name( );
lr_output_message("The IP address is %s", my_ip);
lr_output_message("Host IP address is %s", my_host);
return 0;
6. For viewing vuser status on controller or VUGen(No of iterations)
lr_vuser_status_message("Iteration %s", lr_eval_string("{it_number}")); //iterations
7. Create parameter values programmatically in the script.
Char Group;
Int VuserNumber, iteration=0;
Char parameterValue[20];
Int LR_FUNC Actions(LR_PARAM p)
lr_whoami(&VuserNumber, &Group, NULL);
SPRINTF(parameter_Value,%d%s%d”,VuserNumber, Group, iteration);
Lr_save_string(parameterValue,” parameter_name”);
In this case parameter_name will have some value which will be unique for all vusers per iteration
8. Using lr_advance_param function
#include "as_web.h"
// Requirement:
// Total Vusers: 5
// Total iterations: 3
// Total data in parameter file = 15
// Behavior:
// Vuser 1 picks up data 1, 6, 11
// Vuser 2 picks up data 2, 7, 12
// Vuser 3 picks up data 3, 8, 13
// Vuser 4 picks up data 4, 9, 14
// Vuser 5 picks up data 5, 10,15
int x,y,v,i;
//get the VuserID and store it in v
//get the Iteration number and store it in i
//For the first iteration, x = VuserID
if(i==1) x=v;
//For the second iterations onward, x = number of Vusers + 1
//You need to modify this number according to the number of Vusers you have in the scenario
else x=6;
lr_output_message("This is vuser %d , iteration %d, with data %s",v,i ,lr_eval_string("{NewParam}"));
return 0;
9. Parameterize lr_think_time
When the user tries to run a script in which lr_think_time is parameterized, VuGen issues the following errors:
run.c (x): illegal expression
run.c (x): syntax error; found `Param1' expecting `)'
run.c (x): syntax error; found `Param1' expecting `;'
run.c (x): undeclared identifier `Param1'
run.c (x): illegal expression
Solution: Save the string to a int variable
int kmp= atoi(lr_eval_string("{param1}"));
lr_output_message("The parameter value is %s", lr_eval_string("{param1}"));
10. Convert Integer in to String
int i = 1001;
int ii = 1002;
char sVar1[4];
char sVar2[4];
// itoa: 1st pass an integer, next is string to contain integer as string, next is 10 for decimal or 16 for hex
itoa(i, sVar1, 10);
lr_save_string(sVar1, "sVar1");
itoa(ii, sVar2, 10);
lr_save_string(sVar2, "sVar2");
return 0;
11. Generate Unique data thro script
#include "as_web.h"
/* data record for the database */
char sJobTitle[1024];
char *sHolder_JobTitle = "DBA";
int iRand;
char sRand[4];
char xPrefix[4];
srand(time(NULL)); // seed it always
/* Generate some random number */
iRand = (rand() % 1000);
lr_output_message ("RandomNumber %d\n", iRand);
/* convert number to string */
if (!itoa(iRand, xPrefix, 10))
lr_output_message("Cannot convert iRand to ascii char");
else {
lr_output_message("Converted value %s", xPrefix);
// create unique field //
//strcpy(sJobTitle, xPrefix);
strcpy(sJobTitle, xPrefix);
strcat(sJobTitle, sHolder_JobTitle);
lr_output_message ("Unique JobTitle --> %s\n", sJobTitle);
return 0; |