auditReportAction298行 performanceValue.getPerfCode() 为BR1960
auditReportAction302行 performanceValue..getPerfName()为 地面通信卫星地球站点容
12-04 16:29:15.218 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter.java:57] SQL Error: 17002, SQLSt
ate: null
12-04 16:29:15.546 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter.java:58] Io 异常: The Network Ad
apter could not establish the connection
12-04 16:29:15.562 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter.java:57] SQL Error: 17002, SQLSt
ate: null
12-04 16:29:15.562 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter.java:58] Io 异常: The Network Ad
apter could not establish the connection
12-04 16:29:15.578 ERROR [ExceptionInterceptor.java:41] Caught exception while i
nvoking action: gxlu.webapps.umv.dmt.action.performance.report.AuditReportAction
@1c78571 |