Tips for operating with an efficient GUI map structure.
GUI Map Tactics:
WinRunner does attempt to apply logical names to objects as they are learned, but in some cases it just has to apply a generic object name. Optimising the GUI Map involves modifying the logical descriptions so that their references in the scripts are obvious and intuitive. Also it may require the use of wild cards in the physical description to cater for dynamic property changes.
An example of an optimised window could be from:
Logical Description: 揢ntitled ?Notepad?
Physical Description: Class: Window, Label: 揢ntitled ?Notepad?
To a new format of:
Logical Description: 揥indow_Notepad?
Physical Description: Class: Window, Label: ?.* ?Notepad?
A suggestion as a standard for the GUI Map is that object names should be descriptively prefixed by a reference to the class of the object. Spaces and special characters are removed. Brief but not abbreviated names are preferred, but naming clarity is a higher priority than economy of size. Consistency should be maintained in the naming method of similar objects. Also dynamic property information should be catered for with wild cards. In this example, the prefixing standard is derived from the standard class of the object.
Class: Object Name Prefix
Push Button pb_
Edit ed_
Menu Item mi_
(go through the class list and draw logical prefixes for each)
I use the full 慦indow_?for window objects to avoid some of the ambiguity associated with the 慦in?prefix.
To be continued. |