DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'id=\'W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d\'?>\n<?adobe-xap-filters esc=\"CR\"?>\n<x:xapmeta ' at line 4 [for Statement "INSERT INTO attachments
(thedata, bug_id, creation_ts, filename, description,
mimetype, ispatch, isprivate, submitter_id)
VALUES (?, 11, '2007-11-08 15:40:15', 'test.jpg',
'qqqqqqqqqqq', 'image/pjpeg', 0,
0, 1)"] at C:/Bugzilla/attachment.cgi line 966
main::insert() called at C:/Bugzilla/attachment.cgi line 94作者: zhangtao 时间: 2007-11-7 17:41
期待正确的解答!作者: youguo888 时间: 2007-11-7 18:01
试过所有的格式和小到2k的图片都不行作者: bill_hen 时间: 2007-11-8 06:36
in mysql do:
mysql> desc attachments;
and see what data type of the column 'thedata' is.
For bug tracking, use BUGZERO, fully supported. http://www.websina.com/bugzero/作者: youguo888 时间: 2007-11-8 11:08
mysql> desc attachments;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mysql.attachments' doesn't exist作者: youguo888 时间: 2007-11-9 10:06
顶一下,大家帮忙看看是否是数据库内的问题作者: bill_hen 时间: 2007-11-9 11:30
You need use the bugzilla database, not the mysql database.
The attachments table is in bugzilla db.
For bug tracking, use BUGZERO, fully supported. http://www.websina.com/bugzero/作者: youguo888 时间: 2007-11-12 15:49
bugzilla本身还带数据库吗?作者: youguo888 时间: 2007-11-15 12:14
没人遇到过这个问题吗???帮忙解决一下,多谢作者: junlingliu 时间: 2008-3-10 13:23
Software error:
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away [for Statement "INSERT INTO attach_data
(id, thedata) VALUES (16, ?)" with ParamValues: 0='BM6.$.....6...(.....................$.................辒&辒&鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(醡)醡)鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鄇(鈔*鈔*醡)鈔*鈔*醡)醡)醡)鈔*醡)醡)鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鈔*鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鉹+鈔*鈔*醡)醡)鉹+鉹+鄇(辒&辒&辒&諿"諿".......................'] at Bugzilla/Attachment.pm line 816
Bugzilla::Attachment::insert_attachment_for_bug('Bugzilla::Attachment', 1, 'Bugzilla::Bug=HASH(0x261e5f0)', 'Bugzilla::User=HASH(0x25726c8)', '2008-03-10 13:13:55', 'REF(0x1ecdbf4)') called at C:/Bugzilla/attachment.cgi line 466
main::insert() called at C:/Bugzilla/attachment.cgi line 99