我觉得最近windows8的《Everything At Once》也是爱到不行,Lenka音质非常清新,配上超级轻快的节奏,超级适合在通勤的路上边听边赶路;加班累了也可以提升用(经常加班的苦逼啊~)。
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong像一首歌一样入耳,像个错误一样间接
As long as a road, as ugly as a toad像一条路一样漫长,像只蛤蟆一样漂亮
As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture像壁画一样优美
The Cascades的《Rhythm Of The Rain》也就是绿箭口香糖的广告歌,非常
Rain won’t you tell her that I love her so.雨水啊 你能否告诉她我有多么爱她?
Please ask the sun to set her heart a glow.再求太阳在她心中撒下热情
Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow.湿润她的心 让这份爱意萌发