1 http-request connect timeout:http请求连接超时。
The time, in seconds, that a Vuser will wait for the connection of a specific HTTP request within a step before aborting.
2 http-request receive timeout:http请求接收超时。
The time, in seconds, that a Vuser will wait to receive the response of a specific HTTP request within a step before aborting.
3 step download timeout: 下载超时。
The time that the Vuser will wait before aborting a step in the script.
a 当客户端发起一个http请求请求后,如果需要新建一个连接(可能是第一个vuser对客户端发起的请求;也有可能已经没有空闲连接供使用,需要新建连接),开始等待;
b 服务器端接收到请求后,先建立一个与客户端的连接;作者: zhengaiqi 时间: 2013-5-24 12:37