要money的。。作者: sss666 时间: 2006-6-26 11:21
jira 不错,trac也值得关注,集成性好一些作者: loug 时间: 2006-6-29 18:01
mantis 免费的作者: loug 时间: 2006-6-29 18:01
使用起来也蛮简单的作者: seeker_fu 时间: 2006-7-5 15:37
建议用TD作者: sanjieyu 时间: 2006-7-6 11:42
You can try PVCS or Team Track
I used these two tools before and I think these can help you to manager your bugs.作者: zhenyu 时间: 2006-7-7 13:47
Hi gerry,
I want to ask you some questions.How can I contact you?
My MSN: tata1366@hotmail.com
Skype: taozy2005作者: radio 时间: 2006-7-7 14:53