看帮助。作者: wonder 时间: 2007-8-1 17:49
I am not sure for your question,
Do you means how to parameterize the webtable line , so you can input parameters and let the script to execute the click action which you want to click?
If so , you can record the click action, and find the property which can identify the different line, it may be "index" or other, and you can make this property as a parameter.作者: flyskypei 时间: 2007-8-1 18:36 标题: index temp = DataTable("ccc",dtGlobalSheet)
Browser("Serp3.0Web----[测试版][测试版][测试版]采").Window("采购发票的费用查询 -- 网页对话框").Page("采购发票的费用查询").Frame("Frame").WebCheckBox("index:="&temp).Set "ON"作者: danmy 时间: 2007-8-1 22:32
单击某一行,可以考虑在改行的唯一字段上进行单击作者: fengle 时间: 2007-8-2 09:19