return 0;
上面是脚本作者: 云层 时间: 2012-9-26 12:08
关联位置写错了作者: lsjliloveyou 时间: 2012-9-26 13:22
我是初学者,应该写哪里?谢谢作者: lsjliloveyou 时间: 2012-9-26 13:22
我是初学者,应该写哪里?谢谢作者: lsjliloveyou 时间: 2012-9-26 13:23
我是初学者,应该写哪里?谢谢作者: pdlmg 时间: 2012-9-26 14:12
写在URL请求之前作者: lsjliloveyou 时间: 2012-9-26 15:43
Action.c(26): Warning -26627: HTTP Status-Code=404 (Not Found) for "" [MsgId: MWAR-26627]
Action.c(26): Error -26377: No match found for the requested parameter "invoice_code". Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data. Also, if the data you want to save exceeds 256 bytes, use web_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size [MsgId: MERR-26377]
Action.c(26): Error -26377: No match found for the requested parameter "invoice_no". Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data. Also, if the data you want to save exceeds 256 bytes, use web_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size [MsgId: MERR-26377]
Action.c(26): web_url("invoice.action") highest severity level was "ERROR", 121084 body bytes, 4664 header bytes, 56 chunking overhead bytes [MsgId: MMSG-26387]
Ending action Action.