'Open an IE browser with the method CreateObject()
Dim objIE, hwndIE
Set ōbjIE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
objIE.Visible = true
objIE.Navigate URL 'The parameter URL is the destination address for the IE browser
'Wait a while till the page is fully loaded
'Move and resize the browser
hwndIE = objIE.HWND
'Operate the IE browser as a window object with descrīptive programming
'The window object can be uniquely identified by the parameter hwndIE, which is the window's handle of the browser
Window ("hwnd:=" & hwndIE).Activate
Window ("hwnd:=" & hwndIE).Move intPosX, intPosY 'intPosX and intPosY represent the new location for the IE browser
Window ("hwnd:=" & hwndIE).Resize intSizeX, intSizeY 'intSizeX and intSizeY represent the new size for
'Release the object after the adjustment
Set ōbjIE = nothing