update user set Password=password('YourPassword') where User='root';(设置数据库root密码)
insert into user (User,Host,Password,Select_priv,Insert_priv,Update_priv,Delete_priv,Index_priv,Alter_priv,Create_priv,Drop_priv,Grant_priv,Reload_priv,Shutdown_priv,Process_priv,File_priv) values('mysql','',password('YourPassword'),'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'); (增加数据库用户)
1. CGI 2.93 or CGI 3.11 if using mod_perl
2. Date::Format (2.21)
3. DBI (1.41)
4. DBD::mysql (2.9003) if using MySQL
5. DBD:g (1.45) if using PostgreSQL
6. File::Spec (0.84)
7. Template (2.12)
8. Email::Send (2.00)
9. Email::MIME::Modifier (any)
1. GD (1.20) for bug charting
2. Template:lugin::GD::Image (1.20) for Graphical Reports
3. Chart::Base (1.0) for bug charting
4. GD::Graph (any) for bug charting
5. GD::Text (any) for bug charting
6. XML::Twig (any) for bug import/export
7. MIME:arser (5.406) for bug import/export
8. LWP::UserAgent (any) for Automatic Update Notifications
9. PatchReader (0.9.4) for pretty HTML view of patches
10. Image::Magick (any) for converting BMP image attachments to PNG
11. Net:DAP (any) for LDAP Authentication
12. SOAP:ite (any) for the web service interface
13. HTML::Parser (3.40) for More HTML in Product/Group Descriptions
14. HTML::Scrubber (any) for More HTML in Product/Group Descriptions
15. Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper (any) for Inbound Email
16. Email::Reply (any) for Inbound Email
17. mod_perl2 (1.999022) for mod_perl
18. CGI (2.93) for mod_perl
19. Apache:BI (0.96) for mod_perl2