Error -27496: Internal Error - InternetCloseHandle failed for item at 026B9698, Windows error code=6. Assuming the item can be deleted, but error(s) may occur in fvLrwNetWinInetCallback
Action.c(37): Error -27492: "HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12017 and retry limit (0) exceeded for URL=""作者: wangjing_7065 时间: 2012-2-13 11:28
你设置的超时时间太小了吧?作者: wangjing_7065 时间: 2012-2-13 11:29
错误报告显示你网络请求失败,应该是设置的超时太小了作者: blackcell 时间: 2012-2-13 19:31