谢谢斑竹作者: yangkinki 时间: 2006-12-1 12:03
page load time
Instructs QuickTest to add a specified number of seconds to the page load time property specified in each Page checkpoint.
Note: This option is a safeguard that prevents page checkpoints from failing in the event that the amount of time it takes for a page to load during the run is longer than the amount of time it took during the record session.
Browser navigation timeout
Sets the maximum time (in milliseconds) that QuickTest waits for a Web page to load before running a step in the test or component.作者: raing 时间: 2006-12-1 12:10
晕,我是在看了这些help文档后才问的,我设置了page load time 后,在设置page checkpoint时,checkpoint timeout仍要设定,所以才来问啊作者: yangkinki 时间: 2006-12-1 12:37
在option中设置的load time 是对所有的page ,而checkpoint time out 是对你所选择的检查点所设置的时间,当然是很主观的,你自己认为设置的时间是多少就设置多少,例如该页check可能要花费比较长的时间,那么就输入时间长点;如果你觉得load time 设置的时间足够,那么你就不必要再在checkpoint time out 中设置多少秒,如果你觉得不够,针对具体你插入检查点所要花费的时间输入checkpoint time out 时间