标题: Rational robot SQABasic数据库操作相关命令 [打印本页] 作者: Spark.lee 时间: 2006-11-25 15:21 标题: Rational robot SQABasic数据库操作相关命令 SQLClose 功能函数
SQLClose ( connection& )
语法: 参数 解释
connection& 由SQLOpen返回的一个长整型的名称参数。
This example opens the data source named "SblTest," gets the names in the ODBC data sources, and closes the connection.
Sub main
' Declarations
Dim outputStr As String
Dim connection As Long
Dim prompt As Integer
Dim datasources(1 To 50) As Variant
Dim retcode As Variant
Dim action1 as Integer
Dim qualifier as String
prompt = 5
' Open the datasource "SblTest"
connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SblTest", outputStr, prompt:=5)
action1 = 1 ' Get the names of the ODBC datasources
retcode = SQLGetSchema(connection:=connection,action:=1, qualifier:=qualifier, ref:=datasources())
' Close the datasource connection
retcode = SQLClose(connection)
End Sub
SQLError ( destination() )
语法: 参数 解释
destination() 两维数组的每行包含一个错误。名称参数是必要的,必须是变量的数组。
没有返回值。域: 1) 表示ODBC错误类型/下级分类的字符串, 2)表示数据源错误编码的数字值, 3)表示错误的文本信息。
SQLError Example
This example forces an error to test SQLError function.
sub main
' Declarations
Dim connection As long
Dim prompt as integer
Dim retcode as long
Dim errors(1 To 3, 1 To 10) as Variant
Dim outputStr as String
' Open the datasource
connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SBLTESTW;UID=DBAWD=SQL",outputStr,prompt:=3)
' force an error to test SQLError select a nonexistent table
retcode = SQLExecQuery(connection:=connection,query:="select * from notable ")
' Retrieve the detailed error message information into the errors array
SQLError destination:=errors
retcode = SQLClose(connection)
end sub
SQLExecQuery Function
SQLExecQuery ( connection& , query$ )
语法: 参数 解释
connection& 指定参数、必须。长整形、由SQLOpen返回。
query$ 包含一个有效SQL语句的字符串,返回值是个变量。
对于SQL SELECT返回结果集的栏数目;对于UPDATE, INSERT, 或 DELETE返回受语句作用的行的数目。任何其它SQL语句返回0。如果函数在指定数据源不能执行此查询,或如果连接不可用,则返回为负的错误编码。
SQLExecQuery Example
This example performs a query on the data source.
Sub main
' Declarations
Dim connection As Long
Dim destination(1 To 50, 1 To 125) As Variant
Dim retcode As long
Dim outputStr as String
Dim query as String
' open the connection
connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SblTest",outputStr,prompt:=3)
' Execute the query
query = "select * from customer"
retcode = SQLExecQuery(connection,query)
' retrieve the first 50 rows with the first 6 columns of each row into
' the array destination, omit row numbers and put column names in the
' first row of the array
retcode = SQLRetrieve(connection:=connection,destination:=destination,columnNames:=1,rowNumbers:=0,maxRows:=50, maxColumns:=6,fetchFirst:=0)
' Get the next 50 rows of from the result set
retcode = SQLRetrieve(connection:=connection,destination:=destination,columnNames:=1,rowNumbers:=0,maxRows:=50, maxColumns:=6)
' Close the connection
retcode = SQLClose(connection)
End Sub
SQLGetSchema Example
This example opens the data source named "SblTest," gets the names in the ODBC data sources, and closes the connection.
Sub main
' Declarations
Dim outputStr As String
Dim connection As Long
Dim prompt As Integer
Dim datasources(1 To 50) As Variant
Dim retcode As Variant
Dim action1 as Integer
Dim qualifier as String
prompt = 5
' Open the datasource "SblTest"
connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SblTest", outputStr, prompt:=5)
action1 = 1 ' Get the names of the ODBC datasources
retcode = SQLGetSchema(connection:=connection,action:=1, qualifier:=qualifier, ref:=datasources())
' Close the datasource connection
retcode = SQLClose(connection)
End Sub
SQLOpen 功能函数
SQLOpen ( connectStr$ [ , outputStr$] [ , prompt%] )
语法: 参数 解释
connectStr$ 指定参数,必须参数。
outputStr$ 可选
prompt% 可选。Prompt指定何时驱动对话框出现。可选项:
1 对话框永远出现
2 说明不够充分以建立连接时打开驱动对话框
3 同2,对话框内容为灰色,不能修改
4 对话框不出现,连接不成功,则返回一个错误
关于connectStr的内容描述在ODBC微软程序员参考手册。典型字符串形式为"DSN=datasourcename; UID=myid; PWD=mypassword"。返回长型long型。
SQLOpen Example
This example opens the data source named "SblTest," gets the names in the ODBC data sources, and closes the connection.
Sub main
' Declarations
Dim outputStr As String
Dim connection As Long
Dim prompt As Integer
Dim datasources(1 To 50) As Variant
Dim retcode As Variant
Dim action1 as Integer
Dim qualifier as String
prompt = 5
' Open the datasource "SblTest"
connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SblTest", outputStr, prompt:=5)
action1 = 1 ' Get the names of the ODBC datasources
retcode = SQLGetSchema(connection:=connection,action:=1, qualifier:=qualifier, ref:=datasources())
' Close the datasource connection
retcode = SQLClose(connection)
End Sub
sdlkfj5 sdlkfj5 sdlkfj5 sdlkfj5 sdlkfj5作者: Spark.lee 时间: 2006-11-25 15:22 标题: 还有点............... SQLRequest功能函数
SQLRequest( connectionStr$ , query$ , outputStr$ , prompt% , columnNames% , ref() )
语法: 参数 解释
connectionStr$ 必需项。
query$ 必需项
outputStr$ 包含完整连接字符串。
prompt% Prompt指定何时驱动对话框出现。一个整数。(查看SQLOpen).
columnNames% 0或非0的一个整数。当columnNames为非0,栏列名称作为ref()数组的第一行被返回。如果columnNames缺省,默认值为0。
ref() 必需项,2维变量数组。
SQLRequest Example
This example will open the datasource SBLTESTW and execute the query specified by query and return the results in destination
Sub main
' Declarations
Dim destination(1 To 50, 1 To 125) As Variant
Dim prompt As integer
Dim retcode as Variant
Dim query as String
Dim outputStr as String
' The following will open the datasource SBLTESTW and execute the query
' specified by query and return the results in destination
query = "select * from class"
retcode = SQLRequest("DSN=SBLTESTW;UID=DBA;PWD=SQL",query,outputStr,prompt,0,destination())
End Sub
SQLRetrieve 功能函数
SQLRetrieve( connection& , destination() , maxColumns% , maxRows% , columnNames% , rowNumbers% , fetchFirst% )
参 数 解 释
connection& 长型long
destination() 2维变量数组
maxColumns% 整形,可选参数,用来指定在查询中取回的栏列数目
maxRows% 整形,可选参数,用来指定在查询中取回的行的数目
columnNames% 整形,可选参数,默认为0
rowNumbers% 整形,可选参数,默认为0
fetchFirst% 整形,可选参数,默认为0
如果maxColumns或maxRows被缺省,数组大小被用来确定获得的行列的最大数目,并返回整个结果集是一个尝试。通过再次使用 SQLRetrieve和把fetchFirst设置为0,额外行可以被获得。如果maxColumns指定比结果中可用的更少的列, SQLRetrieve抛弃右边结果列只到结果与指定大小相适合。
当columnNames是非0,数组的第1行将放置数据库计划(database schema)指定的列名称。 当 rowNumbers是非0,行数目返回到destination()的第1列。SQLRetrieve将清空用户的数组来获得结果。
当fetchFirst 是非0,它将结果重新配置到第一行,前提是如果数据库支持此功能。如果数据库不支持此功能,结果设置 –1错误被返回。
SQLRetrieve Example
This example retrieves information from a data source.
Sub main
' Declarations
Dim connection As Long
Dim destination(1 To 50, 1 To 125) As Variant
Dim retcode As long
Dim query as String
Dim outputStr as String
connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SblTest",outputStr,prompt:=3)
' Execute the query
query = "select * from customer"
retcode = SQLExecQuery(connection,query)
' retrieve the first 50 rows with the first 6 columns of each row into
' the array destination, omit row numbers and put column names in the
' first row of the array
' Get the next 50 rows of from the result set
retcode = SQLRetrieve(connection:=connection,destination:=destination,columnNames:=1,rowNumbers:=0,maxRows:=50, maxColumns:=6)
' Close the connection
retcode = SQLClose(connection)
End Sub
SQLRetrieveToFile 功能函数
SQLRetrieveToFile( connection& , destination$ , columnNames% , columnDelimiter$ )
语法: 参数 解释
connection& 必需项,long
destination$ 必需项,包含用来存储结果的文件和路径的字符串。
columnNames% 整型,非0时,文件首行将存储数据库计划指定的栏列名称。如果缺省,默认为0。
columnDelimiter$ 每行内界定域用的字符串。如果缺省,tab键用来分隔域。
SQLRetrieveToFile Example
This example opens a connection to a data source and retrieves information to a file.
Sub main
' Declarations
Dim connection As Long
Dim destination As String
Dim retcode As Long
Dim query as String
Dim outputStr as String
Dim filename as String
Dim columnDelimiter as String
' Open the connection
connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SblTest",outputStr,prompt:=3)
' Execute the query
query = "select * from customer"
retcode = SQLExecQuery(connection,query)
' Place the results of the previous query in the file named by
' filename and put the column names in the file as the first row.
' The field delimiter is %
filename = "c:\myfile.txt"
columnDelimiter = "%"
retcode = SQLRetrieveToFile(connection:=connection,destination:=filename, columnNames:=1,columnDelimiter:=columnDelimiter)