LoadRunner doesn’t provide native interface to WebLogic 9 and 10 (only to 8.1FP4) and SiteScope just do it using RMI-IIOP.
So before configuring such monitor, is good to get the Dev/Infra team aware of the monitoring request. They need to check and enable RMI IIOP features inside weblogic.
Here are the steps:
On the WebLogic Server:
Before edit any field on Weblogic you need click in “Lock & Edit”. When you finish all configuration settings, it is necessary click in “Active Changes” to put changes in place.
1、Enable RMI-IIOP protocol:
2、At Domain’s Security section, check if “Anonymous Admin Lookup” is enabled
3、For the service/server you’re monitoring, at service’s Settings, Protocols, IIOP, enable IIOP and in advanced configuration, set up IIOPUserName and IIOPPassword to weblogic’s admin credentials
4、Maybe a restart will be required
On the JMX Client
1、Make sure you will be running a JAVA VM at version 1.5 or above.
2、When activating the JMX client (jconsole, for example) add the following parameter:
3、This will change the timeouts for the CORBA protocol (remember we’re getting JMX from a WebLogic, so it goes thru RMI-IIOP)
H:\>jconsole -J-Dcom.sun.CORBA.transport.ORBTCPReadTimeouts=10:60000:500:10
5、Use the following URL pattern:
6、When asked for a Username and Password, give the RMI IIOPUsername/Password given in server configuration.
效果待尝试。。作者: wozai51test 时间: 2011-7-5 09:36 回复 5#wozai51test
计数器列表和weblogic8有些不一样,哈哈作者: wozai51test 时间: 2011-7-5 09:43 回复 4#Zee
com.sun.corba.se.impl.io.InputStreamHook throwOptionalDataIncompatibleException
警告: "IOP00800008: (MARSHAL) Not enough space left in current chunk"
org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: vmcid: OMG minor code: 8 completed: No
估计哪儿没配置对。作者: msnshow 时间: 2011-7-6 13:45
提示你没有足够的空间了作者: wozai51test 时间: 2011-7-6 18:52 回复 8#msnshow
Jconsole刚启动连接,按理说不应该立即报这个错,很是疑惑。。作者: wozai51test 时间: 2011-7-8 10:45 本帖最后由 wozai51test 于 2011-7-8 14:39 编辑