
标题: ALM 11(QC11)中文版7个资料——也就是帮助文档(增加ALM11汉化包) [打印本页]

作者: yu273393352    时间: 2011-6-28 00:39
标题: ALM 11(QC11)中文版7个资料——也就是帮助文档(增加ALM11汉化包)
本帖最后由 yu273393352 于 2011-7-8 19:51 编辑

相信大家也就知道ALM 11(QC11)中文版7个资料——也就是帮助文档是那七个,大家也都在网上苦苦等待寻找,我就把它上传上来,供大家共享。
HP Business Process Testing用户指南


下面的就是大家期待已久的ALM11汉化包,也就是中文版了,什么都不说,详细看图 ,和帮助解释文档,不会的再来问我


其实ALM11安装后软件里源文档ReadMe中的Multilingual Support就已经说的很清楚了,建议大家多学习学习英文,对大家有好处的


HP Application Lifecycle Management 11.00 Readme
Software version: 11.00
Publication date: October 2010 Second Edition
This file provides information about HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) 11.00:
What's New
Installation Instructions and System Requirements
Notes and Limitations
Additional Notes and Limitations - Performance Center
Multilingual Support
HP Software Support
Legal Notices

Multilingual Support
Internationalization Limitations:
You cannot type Japanese characters in the ALM Login window Password field or in the Document Generator.
Workaround: Paste text from the clipboard.
Opening and updating a project that contains characters different from those set in the ClientOSLocale or ClientOSAdvanceLocale may cause irreversible damage.
The InputLanguage inserted from an external component to ALM must be the same as the ClientOSLocale and ClientOSAdvanceLocale. For example, you cannot insert a QuickTest Professional script that contains Japanese characters in a client that runs on an OSLanguage with ClientOSLocale or ClientOSAdvanceLocale that is not Japanese.
When sending mail that contains non-English characters from the Quality Center client, it must be sent from the ClientOSLocale and ClientOSAdvanceLocale that are the same as the mail characters locale.
To send mail that contains non-English characters, the MailServerVersion and MailClientVersion mail server must support non-English characters.
To display non-English characters, the OSLanguage needs to include the proper fonts for the language.
The SiteAdminDBCollation and ProjectDBCollation must be set to the same language as the data insert. For example, inserting Japanese characters in a Korean collation is not supported.
The Spell Checker tool is available only in English.
Due to a problem in the JDBC driver's specific version, using Chinese and Japanese collation in MS-SQL may cause an error while executing some actions.
You cannot create Quality Center projects with Thai characters in the project name.
The number of double-byte characters you can enter in a ALM edit box may be more limited than the number of characters specified in the relevant error messages. The number of characters that can actually be used depends on the database definitions and the character set collation that is being used. For example, one character can occupy 3 bytes when using Japanese characters with a database that is defined to work with UTF8.
When you generate a document in the Document Generator that includes test scripts with non-English characters, these characters may appear as random ASCII text.
Workaround: Select As Icons for the Document Generator Attachment Embedding Options (and not As expanded text).
ALM/Quality Center versions 9.2 and later support LDAP authentication using non-English character sets. Previously, login failed when passwords for LDAP-authenticated users contained non-English characters. To use non-English character sets, set the LDAP_CHARSET parameter in Site Administration to Default or add the relevant value listed in the Basic Encoding Set list (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/intl/encoding.doc.html).
Hebrew locale: On Hebrew locale client machines, to ensure that ALM memo fields (for example, Description, Comments, Rich Text) are displayed properly, configure the following settings in the Control Panel > Regional and Language Options window:
Windows Vista or 7: Set Languages For Non-Unicode Programs (Administrative tab) and Current Format (Format tab) to "Hebrew".
Windows XP: Set Languages For Non-Unicode Programs (Advanced tab) and Standards and formats (Regional Options tab) to "Hebrew".
Localization Limitations:
QuickTest Professional migration: In localized versions, QuickTest Professional 11.00 migration fails.
To display a localized UI, the OSLanguage of the client must use the same language as ALM.
The UI language is defined by the ALM Platform server and only one language can be defined per server.
Vista: ALM Language Pack must be installed and operated on Windows where Windows native language (MLU*) is identical to the MUI* language.
An ALM project created in an English edition cannot be upgraded to a localized edition.
In the French localized version on Windows XP (SP3), you may not be able to export defects to Microsoft Excel.
作者: 5555    时间: 2011-6-28 13:29
仗义啊!  收下了,感谢!
作者: james.zhong    时间: 2011-6-28 13:47
本帖最后由 james.zhong 于 2011-7-14 14:01 编辑

作者: lwylsss    时间: 2011-6-28 14:50
作者: yu273393352    时间: 2011-6-28 18:46
回复 3# james.zhong

建议看下http://bbs.51testing.com/thread-471800-1-1.html    此贴软件会随时更新,既然论坛是共享的,我们就应该共享给大家,而不是给大家来留下悬念,留下期盼,既然有了,就应该第一时间共享给大家
作者: superwang001    时间: 2011-6-28 19:45
作者: hy286    时间: 2011-6-29 19:23
作者: hy286    时间: 2011-6-29 20:47
作者: yu273393352    时间: 2011-6-30 00:34
回复 8# hy286

作者: 47385024    时间: 2011-7-1 08:50
请问 ALM11有序列号吗?
作者: hy286    时间: 2011-7-1 10:38
作者: lrs521    时间: 2011-7-1 11:28
作者: 5555    时间: 2011-7-1 12:33
原来汉化补丁 是客户端语言包啊,恍然大悟! 谢谢啦
作者: hy286    时间: 2011-7-1 12:37
Failed to create ALM_Client_10.72.5.213_v2_zh.msi at C:\Program files\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
[2011-07-01 10:37:07]: INFO: Unable to download Custom Modules cab file custom_modules.cab: file doesn't exist.
作者: lrs521    时间: 2011-7-1 14:05
General error
Failed to create ALM_Client_10.243.45.46_8081_v2_zh.msi at D:\Program Files\Hp\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\

作者: windone    时间: 2011-7-1 18:12
General error
Failed to create ALM_Client ...
lrs521 发表于 2011-7-1 14:05

    Re, 我也遇到同样的问题。
作者: 5555    时间: 2011-7-2 10:19
我也遇到一样的问题,生成英文的包 没问题,生成中文就报这个错     求解!
作者: msangel    时间: 2011-7-4 10:42
作者: asusk42js    时间: 2011-7-5 10:19
作者: asusk42js    时间: 2011-7-5 10:30
作者: binzhang    时间: 2011-7-5 18:16
作者: binzhang    时间: 2011-7-5 18:18
2011-07-05 17:55:36,750 INFO - MSI file & directory tree construction is complete
2011-07-05 17:55:36,750 INFO - MSI project assembly is complete
2011-07-05 17:55:43,953 FATAL - Failed to create ALM_Client_localhost_v3_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
2011-07-05 17:55:43,953 INFO - System.Exception: Failed to create ALM_Client_localhost_v3_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
2011-07-05 17:55:43,968 FATAL - Failed at generation phase: see previous log messages for more details
2011-07-05 17:55:43,968 INFO - System.Exception: Failed to create ALM_Client_localhost_v3_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
   在 ClientMSIGenerator.InstallationBuilder.BuildInstallation()
   在 ClientMSIGenerator.Builder.ExecuteJob(BuildParameters bp, List`1 genSettingsList)
作者: koller318    时间: 2011-7-6 14:13
作者: safina    时间: 2011-7-6 16:33
Failed to create ALM_Client_10.72.5.213_v2_zh.msi at C:\Prog ...
hy286 发表于 2011-7-1 12:37

作者: 韩献东    时间: 2011-7-6 16:42

作者: feigoliu    时间: 2011-7-6 20:53
作者: feigoliu    时间: 2011-7-6 20:59
[2011/7/6 20:57:09]: INFO: Trying to connect to ALM Platform server
[2011/7/6 20:57:12]: INFO: Connection to ALM Platform server has been successful
[2011/7/6 20:57:12]: INFO: Checking ALM platform version on
[2011/7/6 20:57:12]: INFO: ALM platform version on is 11 which is OK
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Cleaned folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Cleaned folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Downloaded file setup_a.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Downloaded file SiteAdmin_setup.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Downloaded file ALM-Platform-Loader.11.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Downloaded file interop.ALPLoader.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Unable to download Custom Modules cab file custom_modules.cab: file doesn't exist.
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Successfully created folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\Extensions
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Extracted data from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\setup_a.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Moved setup_a.cab to C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Extracted data from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\SiteAdmin_setup.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:13]: INFO: Moved SiteAdmin_setup.cab to C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Extracted data from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\ALM-Platform-Loader.11.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Extracted metadata from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\Extensions\SprinterPlugin.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Moved C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\Extensions\ to C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work\Extensions\
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Successfully built download list
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Created folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work\Install
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Created folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work\Install\Extensions\SPRINTER_EXTENSION
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Created folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work\PlugIns
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ExtensibilityAPI.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/OTAClient.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:14]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/WebClient.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:15]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QCClientUI.xco
[2011/7/6 20:57:16]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/wexectrl.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:16]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/XGO.xco
[2011/7/6 20:57:16]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QCClient.PerformanceMonitor.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:16]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/American.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:17]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Roget.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:17]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/OTAXml.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:17]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/OTAReport.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:17]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/SRunner.xco
[2011/7/6 20:57:17]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/TDComandProtocol.xxx
[2011/7/6 20:57:18]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/TDTmplt.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:18]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/sr_exec_agnt.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:18]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/MercResourceLogger.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:18]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/bp_exec_agent.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:18]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/comp_type.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:19]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/BPTreports.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:19]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Free_MSR_Player.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:19]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/VugenTestType.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:19]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ManualRunnerRA.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:19]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QCClient.UI.Components.BPT.TPC.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:19]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/BuiltInPlugin.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:19]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Plugin.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/BuiltInPlugin.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ReportViewerForTD.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QTGrid.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ArgsEditor.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Arguments.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ConfigViewerForTD.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ExGrid.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/CompStrgHelper.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:20]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/BuiltInScriptView.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:21]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QAIAd.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:21]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/WITestType.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:21]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/PerformanceWinHooks.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:22]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Client.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:22]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/interop.OTAClient.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:22]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ServiceTestType.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:22]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Interop.PlugIn.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:22]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/MMerge.exe
[2011/7/6 20:57:22]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/manifest.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:22]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ExGrid.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:29]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/RRV.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:31]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Infragistics.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:33]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/3rd**.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/SiteAdmin.xco
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/WebClient.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/SAClient.lld
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/interop.SAClientLib.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QCClient.PerformanceMonitor.UI.exe
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/American.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Roget.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/TDComandProtocol.xxx
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SPRINTER_EXTENSION/SprinterPlugin.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SPRINTER_EXTENSION/HP.Sprinter.ISprinter.IProxy.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SPRINTER_EXTENSION/HP.Sprinter.ISprinter.Proxy.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SprinterConfig.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:34]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/KnowledgeBaseDataXml.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:36]: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SPRINTER_EXTENSION/SprinterViewer.cab
[2011/7/6 20:57:36]: INFO: Downloaded file PlugIns/QCConnectivityHelper.dll
[2011/7/6 20:57:36]: INFO: Successfully completed file download phase
[2011/7/6 20:57:36]: INFO: MSI file & directory tree construction is complete
[2011/7/6 20:57:37]: INFO: MSI project assembly is complete
[2011/7/6 20:58:05]: FATAL: Failed to create ALM_Client_180.200.3.65_8080_v2_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
[2011/7/6 20:58:05]: INFO: System.Exception: Failed to create ALM_Client_180.200.3.65_8080_v2_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
[2011/7/6 20:58:05]: FATAL: Failed at generation phase: see previous log messages for more details
[2011/7/6 20:58:05]: INFO: System.Exception: Failed to create ALM_Client_180.200.3.65_8080_v2_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
   在 ClientMSIGenerator.InstallationBuilder.BuildInstallation()
   在 ClientMSIGenerator.Builder.ExecuteJob(BuildParameters bp, List`1 genSettingsList)
作者: xinqingmoli    时间: 2011-7-7 16:38
作者: Steven_bot    时间: 2011-7-7 17:18
仗义啊!  收下了,感谢!
作者: steelman_huxn    时间: 2011-7-8 15:16
作者: steelman_huxn    时间: 2011-7-8 15:36
第2个包 是坏的。
作者: lzsmmx    时间: 2011-7-8 16:12
作者: windex    时间: 2011-7-8 16:48
作者: windex    时间: 2011-7-8 16:49
作者: leeveiyoung    时间: 2011-7-11 15:37
作者: sj18cl    时间: 2011-7-13 16:17
作者: hystericalhell    时间: 2011-7-15 23:50
作者: begonia80    时间: 2011-7-22 18:28
作者: lhu714385    时间: 2011-7-27 13:28
作者: feigoliu    时间: 2011-7-28 20:45
作者: iunknownx    时间: 2011-8-2 09:50
作者: guohwa    时间: 2011-8-15 17:52

作者: guohwa    时间: 2011-8-15 18:05
回复 1# yu273393352

    ALM11中文版补丁好像生成出错 有解决的办法吗?
作者: zjmoya    时间: 2011-8-15 21:37
作者: hy286    时间: 2011-8-22 18:26
作者: guochuanyu    时间: 2011-9-5 16:33
good,mark ,准备研究一下新特性
作者: gubotao2008    时间: 2011-12-12 10:03
回复 1# yu273393352

作者: gubotao2008    时间: 2011-12-12 10:03
作者: BigBC    时间: 2012-2-3 09:40
作者: Fromsilent    时间: 2012-3-9 10:34
回复 1# yu273393352

作者: 习惯就好    时间: 2012-5-18 17:01
作者: zhoulin0675    时间: 2012-7-18 11:07
回复 1# yu273393352

    大师,软件我已经安装成功了,使用也正常,现在有个问题想请教一下:如何将QC9.0中的项目转移到ALM11中来?我已经尝试了好多种办法,都没有成功!将项目从9.0导出后,在ALM的后台导入,系统直接报告:Project '123' does not exist in domain '123’。这个怎么处理?请教。
作者: xuyl009    时间: 2012-8-31 16:46
亲爱的楼主。。。quality center 11的安装文件有没、、、麻烦给传一份
方便联系  谢啦

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