You can use virtual objects only when recording and running a test. You cannot insert any type of checkpoint on a virtual object, or use the Object Spy to view its properties.
from qtp 手册作者: stone821021 时间: 2007-4-18 22:05 标题: 回复 #4 flyfly310 的帖子 this is what i am looking for sdlkfj3 sdlkfj3
all ways unclear about the virtual objects, is there anyone who can say something more about virtual objects?作者: xiaonan 时间: 2007-4-19 10:23
建立的虚拟对象,只能用于一般的录制回放操作.它只是一个映射出来的对象,无法对他取值,取属性等操作作者: hehemeimei 时间: 2007-4-19 16:45