
标题: tQ20061200020(已录用) [打印本页]

作者: artemis    时间: 2006-9-27 11:06
标题: tQ20061200020(已录用)
专  业:计算机科学与技术
学  历:本科 (学士)
电  话:13611786542
E-mail: liulanjiao2@163.com

        熟悉整个软件测试流程及对软件质量有较准确的认识,理解CMM的五个级别
        熟悉软件测试的测试计划、测试方案、测试用例、测试报告、缺陷报告、测试日报的写作方法和规范
        熟悉单元测试、集成测试、系统测试阶段的测试用例的设计方法
        熟悉基于B/S架构功能测试、性能测试、配置测试、GUI测试方法等
        熟悉软件需求管理、缺陷管理、配置管理、同行评审的流程和方法
        会使用CppUnit测试工具作单元测试
        会使用TCL测试工具作集成测试
        会使用功能测试工具QuickTestProfessional和性能测试工具Mercury LoadRunner作系统测试。并在性能测试方面具有一定的优势
        熟悉微软操作系统Windows系列,掌握Linux常用命令的使用及一般软件的安装配置等
        熟练SQL语句及存储过程的使用,尤其对SQL server的安装、配置、维护及基本性能优化比较熟悉
        熟悉C/C++

2005年5月-2006年5月  上海尚彩装饰材料有限公司      电脑维护
        电脑硬件检测并定位错误及采取最优的方式将错误排除
        Windows系统硬件和软件配置、管理及维护

2006年5月-至今     51testing软件测试就业培训

项目名称:Counter V1.0软件测试
软件功能:Counter V1.0是一个C源文件代码行统计工具,该工具用单线程实现,如果用户执行了统计操作,只能等到统计操作结束才能正常退出,可以根据用户的选择分别统计源文件中的总代码行数、空行数、注释行数和非空非注释行数
硬件约束:Counter V1.0只运行在PC上,操作系统为WINDOWS98以上的操作系统。

职    责:设计系统功能测试用例。分别从GUI系统测试、功能测试等方面进行测试用例的设计。通过使用QuickTestProfessional自动化测试工具实现功能测试自动化。

职    责:设计系统性能测试用例。首先分析系统的架构、硬件配置及运行环境,从而确定被监控点,分析响应时间和并发数及吞吐量,再分别从压力测试、负载测试、容量测试方面进行测试用例的设计。通过使用Mercury LoadRunner自动化测试工具实现性能测试自动化。
通过此项目,熟悉了Mercury LoadRunner自动化测试工具的使用及工作原理。对性能自动化测试有了更深一步的了解。

Name:  liulanjiao
Specialty: science and technology of computer
Bachelorship: bachelor degree
English level: CET-4
Computer level: programmer
Telephone: 13611786542
E-mail: liulanjiao2@163.com
Job objective: software  testing  engineer
Occupation skills:
        Be familiar with the flow of software testing and have a very good conscious of the quality of the software ,for example, the CMM
        Be familiar with the methods and criterion of testing plan , testing project , testing case , testing report, bug report , testing daily of the software testing
        Be familiar with the design methods of testing cast of Unit testing , Integration testing and system testing
        Be familiar with the function testing, performance testing, configuration testing, GUI testing and so on base on B/S
        Be familiar with the flow and methods of the software requirement manage , bug manage, configuration manage and peer review
        Can use the CppUnit  tool during the phase of the Unit testing
        Can use the TCL  tool during the phase of the Integration testing
        Can use the QuickTestProfessional for function testing and Mercury LoadRunner
for performance during the system testing and have advantage on performance testing
        Be familiar with the series of Windows of Microsoft operating system and the commom command and install the commom software of Linux
        Be familiar with SQL sentence and storage process,especially the install,configuration,maintenanceand fundamentality performance optimize of SQL server
        Be familiar with C/C++
Work experiences:
May.2005-May.2006  Shanghai sun color decoration CO., LTD.  maintenance computer
        Examine hardware and remove mistake of computer adopt optimist method
        Configuration and management and maintenance of Windows system
Occupation training:
May.2006-now              51testing software testing training
Item experience:
Item name:Counter V1.0 software testing
Software function:Counter V1.0 is a C source code stat tool. The tool is use sign-thread.  If user execute stat operate, can in gear exit only wait stat operate is end. Base on user choice to work.
Hardware restrict:Counter V1.0 only can run on PC, operating system is WINDOW 98 above
Hardware restrict:
CPU: above 333MHZ
Memory:above 64M
During the two months of item training, join in the testing activity of COUNTER software testing.
During the phase of the requirement analyse, written the system testing plan base on the software requirement specification.
During the phase of the high-level design, written the Integration testing plan base on the document of the high-level design and written the system testing project and system testing achieve.
During the phase of the low-level design, written the Unit testing plan base on the document of the low-level design and written the Integration testing project and Integration testing achieve.
During the phase of the coding, written the Unit testing project and Unit testing achieve. Then execute Unit testing---Integration testing---system testing. Base on the document of every phase to judge this phase whether complete and can enter into next tache or not. Through this item, I have a good understand of the testing flow and methods and testing tools.
Item name: flight software function testing
Software function:navigate sell ticket
      Degisn system function testing case.use the methods of the GUI system testing and function testing.through use the QuickTestProfessional automatic testing tool carry out function testing automatic.
Through this item,I familiar with the use of QuickTestProfessional automatic testing tool and the work theory. Have a better familiar with the function automatic testing.  
Item name: pets shop
Software function:provide the operation of user query,login in,register,purchase pet
      Degisn system performance testing case.analyse systemic construct,hardware configuration and run environment in order to confirm the inspect point.analyse response time and throughput.use the methods of the stree testing and load testing and volume testing.through use the Mercury LoadRunner automatic testing tool carry out performance testing automatic.
Through this item,I familiar with the use of Mercury LoadRunner automatic testing tool and the work theory. Have a better familiar with the performance automatic testing.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to speaking with you.

[ 本帖最后由 artemis 于 2006-9-27 11:19 编辑 ]
作者: artemis    时间: 2006-9-27 11:19

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