未声明的参数错误,试着加上头文件 #include "lrd.h"还是报错,但是我在51testing上下载过一个别人的脚本,也是这么写的,编译就没有问题。
这是什么原因?哪里需要设置么?谢谢大家。作者: yours-123 时间: 2006-9-15 11:21
各位大虾帮帮忙啊~~~作者: yours-123 时间: 2006-9-15 14:11
Code Generation Information
Look at the vuser.log file under the Data directory. This file, which contains a log of the code generation phase, is automatically created at the end of every lrd recording (i.e. all database protocols). The following is an example of a log file:
lrd_init: OK
lrd_option: OK
lrd_option: OK
lrd_option: OK
Code generation successful
lrd_option: OK
lrd_end: OK
If any of the messages are not OK or successful, then a problem occurred during the code generation.