
标题: HQ20061100007(已录用) [打印本页]

作者: artemis    时间: 2006-8-8 14:32
标题: HQ20061100007(已录用)
性    别:男
专    业:计算机科学与技术


4、了解自动化测试理论,能够搭建TCL、CppUnit自动化测试框架、编写自动化测试脚本,进行自动化单元、集成测试;使用QuickTest Professional、Robot进行自动化系统测试;使用LoadRunner性能测试;使用CVS配置管理工具;使用QC进行用例,缺陷跟踪与管理。
1、能熟练使用Visual Basic .NET + SQL Server进行应用程序的开发。
2、熟悉C ,对Visual C++ .NET 有所了解。
数据库:能使用SQL Server 2000进行数据报表的开发,对SQL Server 服务器的管理。
1、熟悉微软Windows系列,能进行Server2000服务器的群集和域策略的设置,了解双机热备 RAID5环境。

2006/7~2006/8:Discuz 2.0 BBS系统
软件环境:Discuz 2.0是采用php开发的B/S架构的软件,数据库采用的是MySql,支持的操作系统包括Windows、Linux。
项目描述:Discuz 2.0是一个BBS软件。主要功能包括:基本的用户发帖、回帖功能、权限控制、用户管理、用户注册、用户登陆功能、数据库备份、恢复功能。
责任描述:针对此项目进行是系统测试,主要测试的是功能和性能。采用Quality Center进行测试的管理。对《需求规格说明书》分析写出《系统测试计划》和《系统功能测试方案》;根据《系统功能测试方案》设计测试用例;进行用例的执行,采用Quicktest Professional进行脚本的录制和修改执行功能的回归测试;根据性能需求采用LoadRunner设计性能测试场景,进行性能测试;提交测试报告。

2005.10—2006.03 医院HIS系统
开发语言及环境:  Visual Basic .NET 2003 / SQL Server 2000 / Windows 2000

2005.06--2005.12 协助金仕达卫宁软件公司实施HIS 4.0系统

2004.04~2006.03           嘉定区妇幼保健院               信息科
2003.10~2004.04           嘉定区南翔医院                  信息科
2003.06至2005.09        上海精工爱普生有限公司           实习

2003-9至今             计算机科学与技术                         上海交通大学
2000-9至2003-6            计算机科学与技术               江西信息技术学院

2006年4月—2006年8月   上海交大慧谷-博为峰软件测试工作室    软件测试工程师培训
2003年10月—2003年11月 上海交大南洋   SQL Server 2000 编程与管理培训

Name:  Wu Guofeng
Sex:    Male
Major:  Computer science and technology
Phone:  021-27833549
E-mail:  Luzao@163.com
Working years: Above 2 years
Job objective: software testing engineer

Profession skills:
Skills about software testing:
1.        The knowledge of testing kills of testing, process and methods of testing management
2.        Be familiar with the method of testing plan, testing design, testing daily report, and testing report, know of how to design software testing case, clouding UT,IT,ST.
3.        Be familiar with all kinds of testing methods based B/s and C/S, for example functional testing performance testing ,stress testing ,load testing ,GUI testing and so on.
4.        Have a good command of Robot, TCL, QTP, load runner, test director, pure coverage and CVS.
Programming language:
1.        Be able to develop programmer by vb.net & SQL language and so on.
2.        Be familiar with C language and know about VC.net.
Database: be able to use SQL server 2000 to develop data report and manage SQL server.
Operation system:
1.        Be familiar with service of windows; know how to use cluster administrator and domain stager about server 2000.
2.        Be familiar with orders remote management of Linux and know how use Apche, VFTP, MYSQL and how to set up working surrounding.
Network:Know the principles about network and be familiar with OSI and TCP/IP

Project emperies:
1.        2005.10-2006.03         hospital HIS system
Develop language: Visual basic .net 2003/sql server 2000/windows 2000.
Project description: develop new system on HIS, including register and charge module; Outpatient pharmacy service module; and medical supply store module.
Responsibility summary: analysis the structure , module and data stream of system; design database on data stream ; then write codes of systems setting then module and register and charge module.
2.        2005.06 to 2005.12 Assists Kingstar&winning Software Company to implement department implements his 4.0 systems.
Project description: Implements kingstar&winning to the Jiading area women's and children's dispensary his4.0 system, The module includs: register and charge module; Outpatient pharmacy service module; and medical supply store module.
Prime task: Is responsible the partial data to induct the old system in the new system; Carries on the establishment to the master data, Carries on the debugging to the partial, Carries on training to the operator.

Working experience
2004.04 to 2006.05 Shanghai Jiading women's and children's hospital, Information branch
2003.10 to 2005.04 Shanghai Nan xiang hospital, Information branch
Be sure the hospital information system can work normally
2003.06---2005.09  Shanghai EPSON limited company   Practice
The detailed understanding product from plans to the end product entire process produces the assembly line familiar

Education experience
2003.9 until now in Shanghai Jiao tong University, Computer science and technology
2000.09 to 2003.06 in Jiangxi Information College, Computer science and technology

Occupation training:
2006-04 to 2006-08 In Jiao Da Hui Gu Training Centre—51testing, I attended the software test engineer training course.
2003.10 to 2003.11 in Shanghai Jiao da Nan yang, SQL Server 2000 Programming and management training.

[ 本帖最后由 artemis 于 2006-9-18 14:38 编辑 ]
作者: artemis    时间: 2006-9-27 09:43

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