[ 本帖最后由 会飞的鱼 于 2006-6-27 11:45 编辑 ]作者: 会飞的鱼 时间: 2006-6-27 16:01
1 Create two fields "Notes_Entry" and "Notes_log" of type Multiline_string.
2 Create a new tab for Notes and place the above two fields onto the forms. Make sure "Multi-line","Auto Vert Scroll" and "Vert Scroll Bar" are checked in the properties.
3 In the Notes_Entry value_changed hook paste the following line:
Call Set_Log (fieldname,"Notes_Log").
If using Perl as the scripting language, the code will be:
SetLog($fieldname, "Notes_Log");
4 Create an Action "Init_Notes_Entry" of type BASE and paste the following into the Initialization hook
Note_Entry_Init "Note_Entry"
For Perl: NoteEntryInit("Note_Entry");
5 Create a global script by copying out-of-the-box set_log sub routine and remove
"GetFieldValue("State").GetValue" line from the script.
For Perl: $entity->GetFieldValue("State")->GetValue()
6 Test work.
7 Check-in schema changes.
8 Upgrade user databases to apply the change.