应该是gettoproperty作者: testlab 时间: 2010-11-24 16:56
嗯,这里写错了,脚本是对的,要不就报语法错误了作者: sunnyswu 时间: 2010-11-24 20:43
SetTOProperty changes the property values used to identify an object during the test run. It has no effect on the Active Screen or the values saved in the Object Repository for the object.
Only properties that are included in the test object description can be set. For more information on adding properties to a test object description, see the QuickTest User's Guide.
不知道 这段话,能否帮助你。
貌似,你所赋值的参数不在对象属性中作者: testlab 时间: 2010-11-25 10:06
谢谢两位.不过谁能先明确得告诉我下,对于加载的对象库,SetTOProperty是否有效?作者: xieyang702 时间: 2010-11-25 10:14
GetToProperty:Returns the value of the specified property from the test object description.
GetTOProperties:Returns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object.
GetROProperty:Returns the current value of the test object property from the object in the