
标题: Bugzilla Test Runner问题求救 [打印本页]

作者: 苦命的Evan    时间: 2006-5-26 15:12
标题: Bugzilla Test Runner问题求救
Bugzilla2.20.2 + Test Runner 0.7,都是 Windows版的,安装在win2000下,bugzilla能够正常工作,但test runner却出现问题:能够正常显示,但是Test链接却点不进去,不过这个关系不大,也就不用算了。它的错误信息是
    DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'l.id' in 'on clause' [for Statement "select r.summary, r.start_date, pr.name, r.product_version, r.rep_platform, r.op_sys, p.name, r.test_run_id, p.plan_id, p.product_id from test_cases_log l, test_runs r, test_plans p, products pr left outer join test_cases_log_testers a on a.case_log_id=l.id where l.test_run_id=r.test_run_id and r.status='running' and r.plan_id=p.plan_id and pr.id=p.product_id and l.status='idle' and (l.isprivate=0 or a.userid=1) group by r.test_run_id order by 2 desc"] at Bugzilla/DB.pm line 84
        Bugzilla::DB::SendSQL('select r.summary, r.start_date, pr.name, r.product_version, r...') called at C:/Bugzilla/tr_currenttestruns.cgi line 63
        main::getTestRuns() called at C:/Bugzilla/tr_currenttestruns.cgi line 93

关键不是Test链接的问题,是Manage链接进去之后,建立了test case,并且启动了test plan,但是却点不进'Todo'的log页面,错误信息如下:
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'l.runningby' in 'on clause' [for Statement "SELECT l.id,t.summary,l.seq,l.testedby,DATE_FORMAT(l.close_date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i'), l.status, co.name, g.name, plan.name, l.test_case_version, t.action, t.effect, plan.product_id, l.isprivate, l.notes, count(b.bug_id), l.test_run_id, plan.plan_id, r.status, l.case_id, l.runningby, p1.login_name, DATE_FORMAT(l.runningon,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i')FROM test_cases_log l, test_cases_texts t, components co, test_runs r, test_plans plan, test_case_groups g  LEFT OUTER JOIN profiles p1 ON l.runningby=p1.userid LEFT OUTER JOIN test_cases_bugs b ON l.id=b.case_log_id WHERE (l.case_id=t.case_id AND l.test_case_version=t.case_version AND l.group_id=g.group_id AND co.id=l.component_id AND l.test_run_id=r.test_run_id AND r.plan_id=plan.plan_id)  AND (l.test_run_id=8) AND (l.status = 'idle') GROUP BY l.id ORDER BY 3"] at Bugzilla/DB.pm line 84
        Bugzilla::DB::SendSQL('SELECT l.id,t.summary,l.seq,l.testedby,DATE_FORMAT(l.close_da...') called at C:/Bugzilla/tr_showcaselog.cgi line 173
        main::GetCasesLog('SELECT l.id,t.summary,l.seq,l.testedby,DATE_FORMAT(l.close_da...') called at C:/Bugzilla/tr_showcaselog.cgi line 299

检查数据库,发现test_cases_log 表的所有数据的runningby字段都是为NULL,这也是默认值
作者: will_suto    时间: 2006-5-27 01:59
The query statement SELECT ... 有问题, 和 perl 没有关系。

作者: 苦命的Evan    时间: 2006-5-27 15:59
标题: 搞清楚了
我把test_cases_log放到left outer join前面就可以了
作者: shorelew@    时间: 2006-5-30 09:45
Bugzilla Test Runner 好使吗?我装过一回,感觉不好用。也没有找到一个详细的使用手册。楼主把使用心得贴出来分享啊

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