1、The Requirements Specification Workflow
You begin the application testing process by specifying testing requirements. Requirements describe in detail what needs to be tested in your application, and provide the test team with the foundation on which the entire testing process is based.
By defining requirements, you can plan and manage tests that are more focused on business needs. Requirements are then associated to tests and defects to provide complete traceability and to aid the decision-making process.
This section describes how you use the Requirements module to specify testing requirements. The requirements specification workflow consists of the following:
2、Defining the Testing Scope
The test team begins the testing process by gathering all available documentation on the application under test, such as marketing and business requirements documents, system requirements specifications, and design documents.
Use these documents to obtain a thorough understanding of the application under test and determine your testing scope—test goals, objectives, and strategies.
Ask the following questions when determining your testing scope:
What is the main purpose and direction of the application?
What are the major features of the application?
What is the relative importance of each element in the application functionality?
What are the critical or high-risk functions of the application?
What are your testing priorities?
Do your customers/end-users agree with your testing priorities?
What are your overall quality goals?
2、Creating the Testing Requirements Outline
Quality Assurance managers use the testing scope to determine the overall testing requirements for the application under test. They define requirement topics and assign them to the QA testers in the test team. Each QA tester uses Quality Center to record the requirement topics for which they are responsible.
Requirement topics are recorded in the Requirements module by creating a requirements tree. The requirements tree is a graphical representation of your requirements specification, displaying the hierarchical relationship between different requirements.
For example, consider a flight reservation application that lets you manage flight scheduling, passenger bookings, and ticket sales. The QA manager may define your major testing requirements as: Application Security, Application Client System, Application Usability, Application Performance, Application Reliability, Profile Management, Booking System, Flights Reservation Service and Reservations Management. For the complete example, refer to the QualityCenter_Demo project.
3、Defining Requirements
For each requirement topic, a QA tester creates a list of detailed testing requirements in the requirements tree. For example, the requirement topic Application Security may be broken down into the following requirements:
Each requirement in the tree is described in detail and can include any relevant attachments. The QA tester assigns the requirement a priority level which is taken into consideration when the test team creates the test plan.
4、Analyzing your Requirements Specification
QA managers review the requirements, ensuring that they meet the testing scope defined earlier. They assign the requirement a Reviewed status once it is approved.
To help review the requirements, you can generate reports and graphs. For more information, see Generating Reports, and Generating Graphs.
You can then use the requirements as a basis for your test plan. The tests you create during the test plan phase should cover these requirements. For more information on requirements and tests coverage, see Linking Tests to Requirements. These tests are also linked to defects, thereby providing complete traceability throughout the testing process. For more information on linking defects, see Linking Defects.作者: wangmengdong 时间: 2010-11-24 18:16
提示版主。下次回帖的时候打字不要太细心,有点错别字,就知道是原创啦。。作者: moonjew 时间: 2010-12-1 10:54
没人管了作者: jarystar 时间: 2010-12-2 09:22
5.2 思考该模块是否为一个独立的模块,若不是,需要跟其他模块联合起来测试
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以上仅表个人观点作者: 默默巫 时间: 2010-12-2 11:39