能否举一个例子呢?谢谢!!作者: 海龙 时间: 2006-3-9 17:49
if语句你判断的什么,对于check point会有超时时间,如果比较的结果不一致,直到超出了超时时间才会继续执行,可以通过缩短超时时间,提高效率作者: ctrl01 时间: 2006-3-16 17:21 标题: 谢谢 我是判断是否出现提示窗口。
Result = WindowVP (Exists, "Caption=提示", "VP=Window Existence")
IF Result = 1 then
Window SetContext, "Caption=提示", ""
PushButton Click, "Text=确定"
Window SetContext, "Caption=选择数据", ""'如下出现提示窗口后重新手工选择数据
InputKeys "{RIGHT}{DOWN}"
PushButton Click, "Text=确 定"作者: amibaren 时间: 2006-3-17 09:56
Establishes a verification point for a window. In this document, a window is a top-level object on the desktop. For example, a dialog box is typically a top-level desktop object.
Result = WindowVP (action%, recMethod$, parameters$)
Element Description
action% The type of verification to perform. Valid values:
Captures the data stored in the PowerBuilder DataWindow and compares it to a recorded baseline. parameters$ VP is required; ExpectedResult and Wait are optional.
Note: This action is only used when the DataWindow object is a Window itself.
Captures a bitmap image of the specified window and compares it to a recorded baseline. parameters$ VP is required; ExpectedResult and Wait are optional.
Captures the specified window's menu information and compares it to a recorded baseline. parameters$ VP is required; ExpectedResult and Wait are optional.
Captures the numeric value of the text of the object and compares it to the value of parameters$ Value or Range. parameters$ VP and either Value or Range are required; ExpectedResult and Wait are optional.
Captures the object properties information of the Window and all of its children, and compares this to the recorded baseline.
parameters$ VP is required; ExpectedResult and Wait are optional.
Captures the text in the title bar of a specified window and compares it to a recorded baseline. parameters$ VP and Type are required; ExpectedResult and Wait are optional.
Checks whether a specified window no longer exists at playback. parameters$ VP is required; ExpectedResult, Status, and Wait are optional.
Note: This action cannot be accessed during recording. It must be inserted manually.
Checks whether a specified window exists at playback. parameters$ VP is required; ExpectedResult, Status, and Wait are optional.
recMethod$ Valid values:
[empty quotes]
If the recognition method is empty, Robot performs the action on the current test context window, as specified by the last SetContext or SetTestContext action.
The text that appears in the window's title bar. 512 characters maximum. The wildcards ? and * are supported.
Indicates that the window specified by the recognition method is a child of the current context window. It is only used in conjunction with another method. This qualifier is necessary when acting upon windows that are children of other windows.
The window's class name.
Specifies the windows that is currently active. This recognition method is useful when you want to act upon the active window, even though that may not be the same window each time the command is played back. This recognition method should not be used in conjunction with any other methods.
Level is combined with another recognition method when the other recognition method does not uniquely identify the windows. For example, if there are multiple windows with the same caption, and Caption is the recognition method being used. The Level qualifier tells Robot which one of the similarly-identified windows should be targeted for the action, based on the Windows' Z-Order. The first window is assigned "Level=1", the second "Level=2", and so on. Level serves as a clarifier only and is used only after all other methods have been attempted.
A name that a developer assigns to an object to uniquely identify the object in the development environment. For example, the object name for a command button might be Command1.
parameters$ Valid values:
Specifies whether you expect this verification point to pass (baseline result matches playback result) or fail (baseline result does not match playback result). Valid values are PASS
and FAIL.
Used with the action CompareNumeric when a numeric range comparison is being performed, as in Range=2,12 (test for numbers in this range). The values are inclusive.
An optional parameter used with the Exists action. When used, the status of the window is also verified. The possible values for this parameter are:
Specifies the verification method to use for CompareText actions. The possible values are: CaseSensitive, CaseInsensitive and UserDefined.
Used with the action CompareNumeric when a numeric equivalence comparison is being performed, as in Value=25 (test against the value 25).
The verification point ID. IDs must be unique within a script. Required for all verification points.
A Wait State that specifies the verification point's Retry value and a Timeout value, as in Wait=10,40 (retry the test every 10 seconds, but time out the test after 40 seconds).
This function returns 1 if the action performed passes or 0 if the action performed fails. See the TestManager log for an explanation of any failures.
Verification points that check for a window's existence are not stored in the datastore and do not appear in Robot's Asset pane.
A Wait State that specifies the verification point's Retry value and a Timeout value, as in Wait=10,40 (retry the test every 10 seconds, but time out the test after 40 seconds).