标题: 版主:软件评测师考试有用吗? [打印本页] 作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-11 16:44 标题: 版主:软件评测师考试有用吗? 对于已参加工作的人来说,软件评测师 在行业中是个什么样的地位?这个证书有用吗?有多大的用?
先谢了!作者: Tender 时间: 2006-1-11 17:17
good certification!作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-11 20:36
Tender:能不能具体说一下为什么是good certification?作者: Tender 时间: 2006-1-12 13:45
There is much less people who have the software testing experience and also have a certification.
And I think this certification must be got when we have enough experience.
Of course,you could get it by other means.
Acutally,it's much better for those experenced people,I think.作者: Lero 时间: 2006-1-12 13:59
Acutally是什么意思啊?作者: Tender 时间: 2006-1-12 16:57
sorry,spelling mistakes
actually,作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-12 19:11
If so, I think maybe I should have a try! Thanks, tender!作者: sincky 时间: 2006-1-12 21:35
actually,软件评测和软件测试根本不是一回事,很多人都混淆了,中国目前还不具备开展软件评测的现状,还是先做好企业内部的测试工作再说吧!作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-12 23:08
哦,sincky版主,这是真的吗???作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-12 23:29
sincky版主,能不能介绍一下软件评测和软件测试的异同?作者: Tender 时间: 2006-1-13 10:19
Sincky,don't angry about these certification.
Maybe we just could follow these certification but do nothing.
The Chinese education is just so so,I think everybody knows.
Most of certifications are only care for knowledgements but not know-how including university diploma.
But we still try our best to get these diploma,degree and certification.
I think everybody knows the reason.作者: swallow0918 时间: 2006-1-13 10:31
?!,呵呵作者: binglong168 时间: 2006-1-13 11:29
考证?迷茫中~~~作者: banana 时间: 2006-1-13 11:32 标题: 斑竹,你的英文厉害 也教教我吧,不然我还是不懂呀作者: Tender 时间: 2006-1-13 12:14
upper friend:
it's ok if have a chance
free of tuition.作者: bigmeg 时间: 2006-1-13 12:16
呵呵作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-13 16:15
原帖由 Tender 于 2006-1-13 12:14 发表
upper friend:
it's ok if have a chance
free of tuition.
Do u mean we needn't to spend too much to get this diploma but if it's free we can have a try ?
[ 本帖最后由 mildshark 于 2006-1-13 16:28 编辑 ]作者: alva 时间: 2006-1-13 16:20
也许这里面有理论与实际的关系吧!!个人觉得有个证书是好!但是有实际经验更好!!岂码现在找工作要看你能不能做出东西来!!!作者: Tender 时间: 2006-1-13 16:44
maybe you midunderstand what I said.
hehe!作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-13 17:27
So Tender, could u tell me what do u mean? 作者: Tender 时间: 2006-1-13 17:32
It's simple.
If you want to get something,try your best!
If you don't want,give it up!
Before you make a decision,think it more!
Once you make a decision,stick to doing it!作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-13 20:05
I'm considering it more now! I just want to get some advices from here!作者: 美元测试 时间: 2006-1-14 09:46
it is a good question. I am curious about it as well!
In my opinion, most of the enterprises are care what skiils or experice you have more than how many diploma you have unless you just graduated from university.作者: mildshark 时间: 2006-1-14 18:08
Yes,but my goal of attengding this exam is to learn more knowledge about Software Testing not only to getting this diploma!The diploma is only a paper!作者: Tender 时间: 2006-1-16 12:25
If you think like what you said,try your best to get it.
Don't hesitate!
C'mon!作者: leo_wangxy 时间: 2006-1-16 12:31
anyway,you can learn more knowledge by exam.作者: swallow0918 时间: 2006-1-16 12:44
哎哟,干吗都打英文啦? Tender 斑竹是因为没有中文字体的输入法只能打英文,你们为什么也学他呢?
其实我开这个贴子只是想知道这个证书能不能提高我的能力,并非单纯想要这个证书而已!踏入这个行业快三年了,想进一步提高自己的能力,进而追求更高的待遇,嘿嘿!作者: angelline 时间: 2006-3-29 14:28
我已经报名了,不管怎么样先准备了,要不然浪费了我的报名费!呵呵sdlkfj作者: wangziyang 时间: 2006-4-24 15:04
我开始也在犯迷糊,现在算是知道了一些了。作者: walker_lai 时间: 2006-9-7 19:10
好东西呢作者: 夏竹 时间: 2006-12-22 16:05
The communication is furious above.
I agree with Tender. If someone decided to do sth, he will do his best!
Everyone wants to be a wonderful software tester, mastering the basic theory is critial.
theory coaches practice.
I think a certification about tester is necessary .作者: jifeng 时间: 2006-12-22 17:29
现在我找工作人家都不问我什么学历,也不要毕业证就让我来了,其实我是大专毕业和他们的要求相去甚远sdlkfj6作者: enjoytest 时间: 2006-12-29 11:02
it is much better with a certification作者: enjoytest 时间: 2006-12-29 11:06
theory coaches practice.
good sentence作者: archonwang 时间: 2006-12-29 15:24
Can you speak chinese?thank you very much...作者: leer_he 时间: 2013-11-19 13:59
可以通过它来巩固自己,丰富一下业余时间。就和看书每两样,但考证就是对自己平时看书结果的一个考核。个人认为,给自己抱个这个**,还是有用的,能过就更好了作者: smooth00 时间: 2014-3-28 13:47