The currentbaseline takes the directory path to the verification point
as it appears in the Robot GUI script. The directory path should include
the name of the verification point file. That file can be found in the
project's TestDatastore\DefaultTestScriptDatastore\TMS_Scripts\vp
The naming convention for file is
ScriptName.VerificationPointName.base.grd (for Clipboard, Menu & Object
Data VPs)
ScriptName.VerificationPointName.base.img (for Region & Window Image
ScriptName.VerificationPointName.base.obp (for Object Property VPs)
ScriptName.VerificationPointName.base.txt (for Alphanumeric VPs).
The expected baseline takes the directory path to the expected
verification point as it appears in the log. This is the result that
Robot expects to capture during playback. The directory path should
include the name of the verification point file. That file can be found
in the project's TestDatastore\TMS_Builds\BuildName.Build\LogFolderName.
LogFolder\LogName.Log\vp folder (where BuildName, LogFolderName and
LogName are the names of the build, log folder and log to which the
script was played back).
The naming convention of the expected baseline file is the same as the
currentbaseline file, except that the expected baseline file uses exp
instead of base.
3>、actFilepath = SQAVpGetActualFileName("MyVP","CSV")
该函数返回包含当前验证点实际获得值的文件名(含路径):actual baseline
The actual baseline takes the directory path to the actual verification
point. This will only be generated if the results captured on playback
differ from the expected verification point. The directory path should
include the name of the verification point file.
The actual baseline file, it is exists, is in the same location as the
expected baseline file. The naming convention of the actual file is the
same as the expected baseline file, except that the actual baseline file
uses actXXXX instead of exp. XXXX is a random 4 character alphanumeric
string that is generated during playback. The user will need to browse
to the LogName.log\vp folder to find out the what the XXXX actually is.
1>.If you want a customer VP log , you need do it as :(I have sent you
this example)
If compareResult = False Then
Call SQAVpLog(sqaFail,"MyVP","",loggedFilepath,actFilepath)
Call SQAVpLog(sqaPass,"MyVP","",loggedFilepath,"")
End If
2>.if you just want have a log message :
You can use