Cumulative Statistics for All Selected Virtual Testers and Scripts
Active Time: 2106.6 secs Inactive Time: 386.1 secs
Passed Commands: 7850 Average Throughput: 223.59 cmds/min
Failed Commands: 0 Average Throughput: 0.00 cmds/min
Passed Responses: 7850 Average Throughput: 223.59 resps/min
Failed Responses: 0 Average Throughput: 0.00 resps/min
Time Spent Waiting: 97.2 seconds => 4.6%
Time Spent in Input: 0.0 seconds => 0.0%
Time Spent Thinking: 2009.4 seconds => 95.4%
Passed HTTP Connections: 250 Passed Connections/Min: 7.1
Failed HTTP Connections: 0 Avg Connect Setup Time: 18 ms
HTTP Sent Kbytes: 3165 HTTP Sent KBytes/Sec: 1.5
HTTP Received Kbytes: 6893 HTTP Recv KBytes/Sec: 3.3
Sent Kbytes/Connection: 12.7 Recv Kbytes/Connection: 27.6
Summary Statistics
Duration of Run: 45.8 seconds (00:00:45.8)
Summary Statistics for Selected Virtual Testers and Scripts:
Passed Commands: 7850 Total Throughput: 10273.97 cmds/min
Failed Commands: 0 Total Throughput: 0.00 cmds/min
Passed Responses: 7850 Total Throughput: 10273.97 resps/min
Failed Responses: 0 Total Throughput: 0.00 resps/min
Number of Virtual Testers: 50 Number of stop_time Cmds: 0
Number of Completed Scripts: 50 Number of Uncompleted Scripts: 0
Average Number of Scripts Completed per Virtual Tester: 1.0 scripts
Average Duration for Completed Scripts: 42.1 seconds
Script Throughput for Completed Scripts: 3926.4 scripts/hour作者: ilovejolly 时间: 2005-12-9 14:46