DISPLAY 函数有三个参数
TABLE_NAME 指出优化计划放在哪个表里面,默认是 PLAN_TABLE.
STATEMENT_ID 指的是plan table中的statement_id字段,默认是last ID 或者 NULL.
FORMAT 指的是显示的格式
BASIC It provides only the minimum amount of information, as in
case of the example above, similar to a query from
PLAN_TABLE directly.
TYPICAL This is the default value. It provides a variety of the
information useful for understanding how the optimizer
works for this statement. For instance, in case of partitioned
table operation, the columns PARTITION_START,
FILTER_PREDICATES are displayed in addition to COST
for that step, the number of rows expected to be retrieved,
and number of bytes those rows may have. This provides
the information to understand statements involving
partitioned objects.
ALL This setting displays all the information displayed for the
BASIC and TYPICAL values, and also displays parallel
query operations and the related SQL statements, if those
are involved.
SERIAL This setting gets results similar to those retrieved by the
TYPICAL setting, but the queries are explained serially even
if a parallel query will be used.