懂~~所以这个问题暂时先放一放了~~不过还是谢谢~~作者: TIB 时间: 2010-4-8 14:31
试试LR + SiteScope监控Oracle 吧作者: 神话妖妖 时间: 2010-4-8 15:39 标题: 解决方法就是下边的这段,我看不懂555555555 Ensure that the Oracle client libraries are installed on the Controller or Tuning Console machine.
Verify that %OracleHome%\bin is included in the path environment variable. If it is not, add it.
Configure the tnsnames.ora file on the Controller or Tuning Console machine so that the Oracle client can communicate with the Oracle server(s) you plan to monitor.
You can configure connection parameters either manually, by editing the tnsnames.ora file in a text editor, or using the Oracle service configuration tool (for example, select Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT > Oracle Net8 Easy Config).
You specify:
a new service name (TNS name) for the Oracle instance
TCP protocol
the host name (name of monitored server machine)
the port number (usually 1521)
the database SID (the default SID is ORCL)
For example:
Note: Only the 32-bit Oracle client should be installed on the Controller or Tuning Console machine running the Oracle monitor. If you have a 16-bit and a 32-bit Oracle client installation on the controller machine, the 16-bit installation should be uninstalled.
Obtain a username and password for the service from your database administrator, and ensure that the Controller or Tuning Console has database administrator privileges for the Oracle V$tables (V$SESSTAT, V$SYSSTAT, V$STATNAME, V$INSTANCE, V$SESSION).
Verify connection with the Oracle server by performing tns ping from the Controller or Tuning Console machine. T
Note: here may be a problem connecting if the Oracle server is behind a DMZ/firewall that limits its communication to application servers accessing it.
Ensure that the registries are updated for the version of Oracle that you are using and that they have the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE
Verify that the Oracle server you want to monitor is up and running.
Note: It is possible to monitor several Oracle database servers concurrently.
Run SQL*Plus from the Controller or Tuning Console and attempt to log in to the Oracle server(s) with the desired username/password/server combination.
Type SELECT * FROM V$SYSSTAT to verify that you can view the V$SYSSTAT table on the Oracle server. Use similar queries to verify that you can view the V$SESSTAT, V$SESSION, V$INSTANCE, V$STATNAME, and V$PROCESS tables on the server. Make sure that the Oracle bin directory is in the search path.
To change the length of each monitoring sample (in seconds), you need to edit the dat\monitors\vmon.cfg file in the LoadRunner root folder. The default rate is 10 seconds.
Note: The minimum sampling rate for the Oracle Monitor is 10 seconds. If you set the sampling rate at less than 10 seconds, the Oracle Monitor will continue to monitor at 10 second intervals.
If a problem occurs in setting up the Oracle environment, view the error message issued by the Oracle server.作者: paulinetina 时间: 2010-8-31 14:44 标题: 意思如下,希望能帮到你 (1)获得Oracle客户端安装程序
(2)在Controller计算机上安装Oracle客户端,配置本地网络服务名,确保能够使用SQL Plus连接到服务器端。
(4)获得Oracle数据库的用户名和密码,并确保该用户对Oracle V $(V $ SESSTAT,V $ SYSSTAT,V $ STATNAME,V $ INSTANCE,V $ SESSION)表有数据库管理员权限,以备在Controller增加Oracle监控度量时输入。
(6)在Oracle Monitor中增加需要的监控度量。作者: cxwtomcat 时间: 2010-10-24 19:35
oracle 无代理监控资源使用情况,对Oracle而言,就是要保证在安装了controller的机器上安装Oracle客户端,保证和Oracle服务端通信正常,用DBA权限的Oracle用户添加计数器即可。作者: msnshow 时间: 2010-10-24 21:05
就是说要在你压力的机器上安装ORACLE客户端,然后要配置一下,不然连不了指定的oracle的作者: 李东胜126 时间: 2012-12-20 10:14 本帖最后由 李东胜126 于 2012-12-20 10:17 编辑