Sl. No. CMM Component Question Target Group
1 G1 – AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, Co1 WRYP WYPD how you build software according to the project’s defined s
oftware process? DEV
WRYP WYPD 你如何根据已定义的软件过程来开发软件?
2 G1 – AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, Co1 WYPD the steps involved in producing a major output of your project,
e.g., Design, Code, etc.? DEV, TE, CM
WYPD 生产项目主要输出包括哪些步骤?如设计、编码等。
3 G1 – AC2, AC5, AC6, AC7, Co1 What is the organization’s standard approach to testing? ALL
4 G1/AC8 How do you decide on the technical and user documentation that the project will produce? PM
5 G2/AC10 WRYP WYPD how consistency across software work products is maintained throughout the proje
ct’s lifecycle? DEV, TE, CM
WRYP WYPD 在整个项目的生存周期中如何保持软件工作产品的一致性?
6 G1/AC9, ME1 What data do you collect which helps you improve the product quality? DEV, TE
7 ME2 How do you track the software product engineering activities? PM
8 Ab2, Ab3, Ab4 What training do you receive that helps you perform your role better? DEV, TE, CM
9 VE1, VE2, VE3 What reviews / audits happen on software product engineering activities? PM, SQA
Intergroup Coordination (IC)
Sl. No. CMM Component Question Target Group
1 G1/AC1 WRYP WYPD how all the groups involved in the project coordinate to establish the Business R
equirements? PM, TE
WRYP WYPD 项目中所有相关组如何协同建立商业需求?
2 G2/AC3 How is it ensured that all the groups understand their commitments on the project? MM, PM
3 G2/AC4 How are critical dependencies with other groups identified and tracked on your project? PM
4 G2/AC5 How do you ensure that the work products that you receive from other groups are as per the
project’s needs? DEV, TE, CM
5 G3 – AC2, AC6 WRYP how are technical intergroup issues handled? DEV, TE, CM
WRYP 如何处理技术上的团体之间问题?
6 G3/AC7, Ab4 WYPD what kinds of reviews and interchanges your group has with other technology group
s? DEV, TE
WYPD 你的组与其它技术组之间有什么类型的评审和交换?
7 Ab3, Ab5 Does the organization provide any training to help you work on teams? ALL
8 G1, G2, G3 WYPD how intergroup issues are identified, tracked, and resolved in the organization? P
WYPD 在组织内,如何识别、跟踪和解决组间的问题?
9 Co1, Ab1 What is the role of your group in intergroup coordination activities? PPG
10 ME1 What kind of data do you collect on intergroup coordination activities? PPG
11 ME1 F/U: How do you use this data? PPG
12 VE1, VE2, VE3 What kinds of reviews / audits happen on intergroup coordination activities? PPG