Action.c(259): Error -26612: HTTP Status-Code=500 (Internal Server Error) for "" [MsgId: MERR-26612]
Action.c(259): web_custom_request("xmsb_cmt.jsp") highest severity level was "ERROR", 2203 body bytes, 182 header bytes
录制完脚本以后,Genetation Log 最后出现错误
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording作者: msnshow 时间: 2010-1-18 13:17
不清楚是什么错了,不过从你描述的情况看,生成脚本时就有问题了,回放不成功很正常作者: aman_cao 时间: 2010-1-18 14:48
应该是脚本的问题,看下这个贴吧 http://bbs.51testing.com/thread-180558-1-2.html作者: ruanyashan 时间: 2010-1-18 15:34 标题: 回复 3# 的帖子 我是直接录制的,没有修改脚本,也是基于smartupload的文件上传脚本,就是回放脚本的时候,取到的字节数少了4,后台报数组越界
我的脚本是不是要自己修改?录制出来的脚本一直是web_custom_request,什么时候是 web_submit_data?
应该是的,新增的时候打开的是word文档,保存以后就上传文件了作者: gjay1688 时间: 2010-1-18 16:04
用URL的录制方式就可以了作者: ruanyashan 时间: 2010-1-18 16:17 标题: 回复 8# 的帖子 刚试了一下,还是不对,录制完脚本,Genetation Log 最后出现错误,还有解决方法吗?
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording
Event Matching Error: IN Event left without an OUT event at the end of recording