
标题: 请教关于testopia在windows上安装的问题 [打印本页]

作者: jfying_love    时间: 2010-1-15 10:51
标题: 请教关于testopia在windows上安装的问题
请问大家有在windows上安装过testopia的经验吗?我现在已经在windows上成功安装bugzilla了,并已从官网下载testopia,准备安装,官网上关于Installation on Windows是这样写的(https://wiki.mozilla.org/Testopia:README

Windows installations are not officially supported. By this we mean don't ask the developers for help as we have never tried to install on Windows and don't have any desire to. However, there have been numerous users that have managed to do so on their own. Here are some pointers:

1.Add a .txt file extension to your corresponding patch file (\bugzilla\testopia\patch-3.0[.x]).
2.Edit the above patch file to remove *nix line feed characters, and putting in classic DOS/Windows carriage returns.
  You can do this manually, or with WordPad (write.exe) or numerous utilities such as unix2dos or tofrodos.
3.Download GNU Patch and install it in a directory in your path.
  It can be downloaded from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/patch.htm
4.Change PERL "shebang" paths from native *nix, to a Windows Format.
If you have MySQL Server installed, the Replace utility does a great job at this:
C:\<apache path>\htdocs\bugzilla> for %i in (*.cgi) do ("<MySQL path>\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" -- %i)
C:\<apache path>\htdocs\bugzilla> for %i in (*.pl) do ("<MySQL path>\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" -- %i)
C:\<apache path>\htdocs\bugzilla\Bugzilla> for %i in (*.pm) do ("<MySQL path>\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" -- %i)
From here the steps should be fairly identical to those above, meaning patch the files and run checksetup.pl.

2.这四点pointers中的第3和4项我已执行,但第1和2项,尤其是第2项不会做,我理解第2项是说需要把patch file中原本在linux用的语言变成在classic DOS/Windows下的语言

作者: jfying_love    时间: 2010-1-15 15:32
作者: cj0741    时间: 2013-3-6 11:00
楼主,我最近也在配置testopia 2.4 到 bugzilla 4.0.2,始终打不开这个网址http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/patch.htm ,还有1、2两个步骤具体是怎么做的,多谢哈!

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