QTP_00591 - Prevent QuickTest Debug Viewer Problems when Process Debug Manager is Installed
This document provides the following information:
* Patch Description and Technical Details
* System Requirements
* Patch Files
* Patch Installation
* General Notes
Patch Description and Technical Details
This patch fixes a problem in which objects sometimes disappeared from the Watch and Variables lists in the QuickTest Debug Viewer.
This problem was observed when Process Debug Manager 9.xx.xxxx was installed. It may also occur for later versions.
1. Process Debug Manager (pdm.dll) is shipped with many Microsoft products, including Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.
2. If you have PDM 9 installed on your QuickTest computer, the following limitation applies:
If you try to view or work with Action automation objects (Application.Test.Actions.xxx) in the Debug Viewer,
this temporarily corrupts the referenced action(s) for the current QuickTest session.
In this scenario, you can successfully work with the test while it is open, but
if you close and reopen the test in the same QuickTest session (with or without saving changes),
the actions that were referenced cannot load successfully.
Workaround: Close and reopen QuickTest and then reopen your test. The test opens successfully and no data is lost.
System Requirements
1. Ensure that you have administrative permissions on the QuickTest computer.
2. Double-click the self-extracting executable file and follow the on-screen instructions.
General Notes
If you have a QuickTest Professional User Interface Pack installed, installing
a patch that modifies QuickTest user interface components may cause translated
user interface elements to revert to the English version.