只能想别的办法作者: apprentice 时间: 2009-11-6 18:09
啊,必须要开发人员编译时加入参数才能识别吗?别的有什么办法可以识别呢?Flex原文件是指?不好意思我初学,问题比较多。。。作者: libo3229788 时间: 2009-11-6 18:10
Navigate to the flex_builder_root/sdks/3.0.0/templates/automation-runtimeloading-files directory.
Execute the build.bat file. This compiles the runtimeloading.mxml file into a SWF file.
Copy the runtimeloading. swf and RunTimeLoading.html file to your web server. Copy the Flex application that you want to test to this server as well (the application need not be compiled with automation libraries).
Request the RunTimeLoading.html file and pass your Flex application as the automationswfurl query string parameter; for example: