标题: 求助:请高手指点迷津 [打印本页] 作者: xiaoxia 时间: 2005-8-16 16:21 标题: 求助:请高手指点迷津 装bugzilla后出现下列问题,应该怎么解决阿?谢谢
C:\Bugzilla>perl checksetup.pl
Found = in conditional, should be == at checksetup.pl line 1219.
Checking perl modules ...
Checking for AppConfig (v1.52) not found
Checking for CGI (v2.93) found v2.75.2
Checking for Data::Dumper (any) ok: found v2.102
Checking for Date::Format (v2.21) not found
Checking for DBI (v1.32) ok: found v1.48
Checking for DBD::mysql (v2.1010) ok: found v2.9006
Checking for File::Spec (v0.82) ok: found v0.82
Checking for File::Temp (any) ok: found v0.12
Checking for Template (v2.08) not found
Checking for Text::Wrap (v2001.0131) ok: found v2001.0131
The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for GD (v1.20) ok: found v1.27
Checking for Chart::Base (v0.99) found unknown version
Checking for XML::Parser (any) ok: found v2.27
Checking for GD::Graph (any) not found
Checking for GD::Text::Align (any) not found
Checking for PatchReader (any) ok: found v0.9.2
If you you want to see graphical bug charts (plotting historical data over
time), you should install libgd and the following Perl modules:
Bugzilla requires some Perl modules which are either missing from your
system, or the version on your system is too old.
They can be installed by running (as root) the following:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Template"'
Minimum version required: 2.08
perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Date::Format"'
Minimum version required: 2.21
perl -MCPAN -e 'install "AppConfig"'
Minimum version required: 1.52
perl -MCPAN -e 'install "CGI"'
Minimum version required: 2.93作者: xiaoxia 时间: 2005-8-16 16:37
原来是缺少模块,我从网上下载了,可是不知道如何手动安装作者: will_suto 时间: 2005-8-17 06:27
perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Template"'
Checking perl modules ...
Checking for AppConfig (v1.52) ok: found v1.56
Checking for CGI (v2.93) ok: found v3.10
Checking for Data::Dumper (any) ok: found v2.121_04
Checking for Date::Format (v2.21) ok: found v2.22
Checking for DBI (v1.32) not found
Checking for DBD::mysql (v2.1010) not found
Checking for File::Spec (v0.82) ok: found v3.05
Checking for File::Temp (any) ok: found v0.16
Checking for Template (v2.08) not found
Checking for Text::Wrap (v2001.0131) ok: found v2001.09293
The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for GD (v1.20) not found
Checking for Chart::Base (v0.99) not found
Checking for XML::Parser (any) ok: found v2.34
Checking for GD::Graph (any) not found
Checking for GD::Text::Align (any) not found
Checking for PatchReader (any) not found
If you you want to see graphical bug charts (plotting historical data over
time), you should install libgd and the following Perl modules:
If you want to see pretty HTML views of patches, you should install the
PatchReader module, which can be downloaded at: http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/auth ... Reader-0.9.2.tar.gz
When you get it, do the following to install:
tar xzvf PatchReader-0.9.2.tar.gz
cd PatchReader-0.9.2
perl Makefile.PL
make install
Bugzilla requires some Perl modules which are either missing from your
system, or the version on your system is too old.
They can be installed by running (as root) the following:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install "DBD::mysql"'
Minimum version required: 2.1010
perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Template"'
Minimum version required: 2.08
perl -MCPAN -e 'install "DBI"'
Minimum version required: 1.32作者: xiaoxia 时间: 2005-8-17 15:09
C:\Bugzilla>perl checksetup.pl
Found = in conditional, should be == at checksetup.pl line 1219.
Checking perl modules ...
Checking for AppConfig (v1.52) ok: found v1.56
Checking for CGI (v2.93) ok: found v3.10
Checking for Data::Dumper (any) ok: found v2.121_04
Checking for Date::Format (v2.21) ok: found v2.22
Checking for DBI (v1.32) ok: found v1.48
Checking for DBD::mysql (v2.1010) ok: found v3.0002
Checking for File::Spec (v0.82) ok: found v3.05
Checking for File::Temp (any) ok: found v0.16
Checking for Template (v2.08) ok: found v2.14
Checking for Text::Wrap (v2001.0131) ok: found v2001.09293
The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for GD (v1.20) not found
Checking for Chart::Base (v0.99) not found
Checking for XML::Parser (any) ok: found v2.34
Checking for GD::Graph (any) not found
Checking for GD::Text::Align (any) not found
Checking for PatchReader (any) ok: found v0.9.5
If you you want to see graphical bug charts (plotting historical d
time), you should install libgd and the following Perl modules: