1、 下载JpGraph后,解压到c:\mantis\core\目录下,名称为jpgraph.
2、 打开core\graph_api.php文件,找到function graph_get_font(),在里面加一句'simsun' => FF_SIMSUN,
3、 在config_inc.php或config_defaults_inc.php中应该有以下配置内容:
# Mantis JPGRAPH Addon
# --- jpgraph settings --- #
# Initial Version from Duncan Lisset
# To use the Jpgraph addon you need the JPGRAPH package from
# http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/index.php
# You can place the package whereever you want, but you have
# to set the var in jpgraph.php eg.
# (DEFINE('DIR_BASE','/www/mantisbt/jpgraph/');) $g_use_jpgraph = ON;
$g_jpgraph_path = 'C:/mantis/core/jpgraph/src/' ;
# what truetype font will the graphs use. Allowed values are 'arial', 'verdana', 'courier', 'book', 'comic', 'times',
# 'georgia', 'trebuche', 'vera', 'veramono', or 'veraserif'. Refer to the jpgraph manual for details.
# NOTE: these fonts need to be installed in the TTF_DIR as specified to jpgraph $g_graph_font = 'simsun';
# what width is used to scale the graphs.
$g_graph_window_width = 800;
# bar graph aspect ration (height / width)
$g_graph_bar_aspect = 0.9;
# how many graphs to put in each row in the advanced summary page
$g_graph_summary_graphs_per_row = 2; $g_system_font_folder = 'c:/winnt/fonts/'; $g_font_per_captcha = 'simsun.ttf';