* Responsible for software testing and product training
* Developed test plans, test scenarios, and test cases that meet user requirements for function, performance and regression testing.
* Designed and implemented automated testing by third party tools, such as Loadrunner, Rational Robot, and etc.
* Provided defect tracking and monitoring with Rational ClearQuest.
[ Last edited by eightants on 2005-7-25 at 08:30 ]作者: Vitamin 时间: 2005-7-26 10:51
佩服!翻译的真好,看来我知道将来自己的英文简历找谁帮忙了!作者: eightants 时间: 2005-7-27 09:10
俺参与翻译回帖,斑竹也不给俺加积分奖励...呜呜...说话不算数...呜呜...甚至连楼主也不说谢谢俺...虽然回的有点迟...呜呜呜...:,(作者: skinapi 时间: 2005-7-27 15:12
to eightants: