
标题: 《Made easy Testcomplete》- Digest [打印本页]

作者: gp_jl    时间: 2009-1-24 16:34
标题: 《Made easy Testcomplete》- Digest
1. Part of TC-IDE introduction:
1) Object Browser- Properties: The blue clolor arrow means those properties are Read-Only;
2) No arrow means Written, it is a the title of the window.You can push <CTRL> key and Click the mouse inside of the edit area of the property, and to modify.
3)Object Browser- Method:The green color narrow means the method used by the object;

2.Parts of ShortKeys:
Code Complete:
Parameter Complete:
Add/Delete Bookmarks:
Insert code template:

3.Special characters in vbscrīpt:
chr(13)/[Enter]   回车  
chr(10)     换行
Chr(65)     返回   A  
Chr(97)     返回   a  
Chr(62)      返回   >  
Chr(37)      返回   %

4. TestComplete supports FIVE types of Unit Testing:

5.Checkpoint types in Testcomplete (12):
XML Checkpoint,
File Checkpopint,
Object Checkpoint,
Property Checkpoint,
Web Service Checkpoint,
Web Accessibility Checkpoint,
Web Comparison Checkpoint,
Table Checkpoint,
Region Checkpoint,
Database Table Checkpoint,
Clipboard Checkpoint,
Manual Checkpoint,
wait for object

6.Data Driven Plug-In(DDT) in TestComplete:
1)(It uses ADO to access different data elements, such as a text files,Excel Spreadsheets or any ADO compatible database.)
These methods/properties below are provided:
2)DDT plug-in supports the creation of three different types of drivers:
3)DDT uses method often:
edit..keys(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value("ColumName of the TestData.txt"))

how to modify a scrīpt to get values from the DDT driver,e.g.:

Sub Main
End Sub
function Main()

'Unit - Sub Test1
Sub Test1
Dim w1
Dim w2
Set w1 = Sys.Process("All Pairs Sample").MainForm
w1.WinFormsObject("trackBar1").wPosition =
Call w1.WinFormsObject("comboBox2").
Set w2 = w1.WinFormsObject("comboBox1")
Call w2.ClickItem(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value("Strategy"))
w1.WinFormsObject("checkBox3").Checked =
(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value("Greedy") = "Y")
Call w2.ClickItem("Fair Share")
End Sub

7.Event Handle
1)General Event handle:
Testcomplete has a rich set of events for handling common scenarios:
1.1) General Events
Name                 Descrīption
OnLogCloseNode     Occurs when a log folder is pop off the log.
OnLogCreateNode     Occurs when a new log folder is appended on the log.
OnLogError         Occurs when an error message is posted to the log.(Most commonly used.But if you set LogParams.Locked

= true, TC will not post a message at all to the log)
OnLogEvent         Occurs when an event message is posted to the log.
OnLogFile         Occurs when a file is posted to the log.
OnLogLink         Occurs when a file reference (link) is posted to the log.
OnLogMessage        Occurs when a information message is posted to the log.
OnLogPicture         Occurs when a picture (image) is posted to the log.
OnLogWarning         Occurs when a warning message is posted to the log.
OnOverlappingWindow    Occurs when a overlapping window appears.
OnTimeout        Occurs when a timeout expires in a project or project suite.
OnUnexpectedWindow    Occurs when an unexpected window appears.
OnValidate         Occurs when the objects Validate method is called.

1.2)HTTP LoadTesting Events:
Name                     Descrīption
OnLoadTestingRequest        Occurs just before TestComplete send an HTTP request to the tested Web Server.
OnLoadTestingResponse        Occurs just after TestComplete receives a response to an HTTP request.

1.3)Manual Testing Events
Name                 Descrīption
OnBeforeStep         Occurs before the next step is display to the user
OnGetNextStep         Occurs when TestComplete get the information about what the next step is to be executed
OnResume         Occurs when a manual test is about to be resumed.
OnStepFailed         Occurs when a user click the Fail button in the Step Dialog
OnStepSuccess         Occurs when a user click the Success button in the Step Dialog
OnSuspend         Occurs when the manual test is suspended
OnTestStep         Occurs when the user stops the manual test.

1.4)NetworkSuite Events
Name                     Desciption
OnNetJobStateChange        Occurs when a job's state changes.
OnNetSuiteStateChange        Occurs when the Network Suite's state changes.
OnNetTaskStateChange        Occurs when a task's state changes.
OnNetVarChange         Occurs when the value of a Network Suite variable changes.

1.5)Test Engine Events
Name                     Descrīption
OnStartTest             Occurs when a TestComplete test starts.
OnStopTest             Occurs when a test is over.

1.6)Web Testing Events
Name                     Descrīption
OnWebBeforeNavgate        Occurs before Internet Explorer navigates to the specified Web Page
OnWebDownloadStarted        Occurs when the download of a web is starting.
OnWebDownloadComplete    Occurs when the downloading of a web page is completed, failed or halted.
OnWebPageDownloaded        Occurs after Internet Explorer loads the specified page (or frame)
OnWebQuite             Occurs before Internet Explorer closes.

2)Unexpected Windows
Note:TC has default handling for an unexpected window if "Ignore unexpected window" is not checked.

7. Working with Database
1)There are two methods: ADO(ActiveX Data Object) and BDE(Borland Database Engine)
The table below shows the available methods:
Microsoft(2)                 Borland(2)
CreateCommand             CreateADOCommand
CreateConnection          CreateADOConnection

2)Note:These methods below are specialized extensions of CreateADOCommand: CreateADODataSet, CreateADOQuery,

CreateADOStoredProc, CreateADOTable.
Caution: TestComplete can not use the .NET-only connection string (for example the SqlConnection for SQL Server 2005).

3)The steps to query a database using ADO:
3.1) Create an Connection to the database.
3.2) Open the Connection.
3.3) Create an Query Command.
3.4) Execute the Query Command.
3.5) Do something with the returned RecordSet.
3.6) Close the Connection.
Sub Main
' Create a new Connection object
Set AConnection = ADO.CreateConnection
' Note that you can also create an ADO connection using the following code:
' Set AConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' Specify the connection string
AConnection.ConnectionString = _
"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
"Persist Security Info=False;" & _
"Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Data Source=.\SQLExpress"
' Activate the connection
' Create a new Command object
Set Cmd = ADO.CreateCommand
' To create an ADO command you can also use the following code:
' Set Cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
' Specify the connection
Cmd.ActiveConnection = AConnection
' Specify command type and text
Cmd.CommandText = _
"SELECT CustomerID, TerritoryID, AccountNumber, CustomerType," & _
" rowguid, ModifiedDate FROM Sales.Customer WHERE (CustomerType = ?)"
Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
' Create a new parameter
Set Prm = Cmd.CreateParameter("@CustType",DB.adVarChar, DB.adParamInput)
' Specify the parameter value
Prm.Size= 1
Prm.Value = "S"
' Execute the command
Set RecSet = Cmd.Execute
' Execute the command
While Not RecSet.EOF
Log.Message(RecSet("CustomerID").Value & " has account " & _
End Sub

8. Suggetstion about Best Practices
1) Record/Playback is a quick and easy way to get automated tests up and running but tend to be brittle leading to problems

when the application changes, etc.
2) Use the TestItems of the project as a framework for Test Cases.
3) Separate Data from the Test Framework (see Data-Driven Testing).
4) Use the code metrics of the Code Explorer to improve the quality of the scrīpt code.
5) Use Name Mapping and Aliases whenever possible, it is worth the time to setup.
6) Use reusable routines whenever possible.
7) Keep routines short (less than a page of code).
8) Use meaningful variable names (The default variable names of a recording are not very good variable names).

1. Made easy Testcomplete
2. TestComplete 6

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