VS2005 项目属性-》配置属性修改“C/C++/Code Generation”中的运行时库选项,将/MD或/MDd 改为 /MT或/MTd,这样就实现了对VC运行时库的静态链接,在运行时就不再需要VC的dll了。作者: iori 时间: 2008-8-18 14:55
顶一个作者: sqlserveroracle 时间: 2008-8-18 17:26
yeah.Good way to resolve the dll problem due to the objective machine don't setup vs2005.
but i want to say: the **d.dll is just debug library,if no need to debug the application,
you should copy the release library to objective machines or the your program statically compile and link that library.