Q : Why does Genymotion return an error message when I try to install an ARM application? A : When you try
to install an application compiled for the ARM architecture in Genymotion, you get the following error message:
INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE. Genymotion uses the x86 architecture, therefore your application
is not directly compatible. Depending on your situation, follow either of these methods: -You are the developer
of the application: You only need to add the x86 build target to your current targets. For more information,
please click here. -You are not the developer of the application: You can either install ARM to x86 translation lib
raries, which you can find on the Internet or you can contact the developer of the application to ask for x86 a
rchitecture support. An ARM application running on Genymotion is less stable and efficient than an x86 applica
tion. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you only use x86 applications with Genymotion.