Message Code 27077 The "vuser_init" section contains web function(s) when the "Simulate a new user on each iteration" Run-Time Setting is ON. This may produce unpredictable results with multiple iterations
This is a warning message when running more than one iteration in the Web Replay "user model". This can occur when: (i). Each iteration emulates a new user accessing the site. In this case, the Init (and End) Sections should be empty, and any "context" (remainders from a previous iteration) should be "reset" before starting a new iteration. (ii). Each iteration emulates a single user doing the same business processes over and over again, with variations (parameterizations). For example, a banking clerk opening an account, transferring money, etc. The "login" can be recorded in the Init Section, and "logout" in the End Section. Here any "context" is NOT reset.
The "Simulate a new user on each iteration" run-time setting distinguishes between these possibilities. When it is "ON", the Init Section should be empty. When it is "OFF", the first Web function in the Action Section probably assumes that some preparations (e.g., "login") have been performed in the Init Section. This works fine in the first iteration, but before the second (and any following) iteration, any "context" is reset, and the script may fail.
[ 本帖最后由 codanl 于 2008-6-3 16:30 编辑 ]作者: iori 时间: 2008-6-3 16:34
你可以放到action里作者: codanl 时间: 2008-6-4 16:53
哦~~明白了~~我只是打开了一个系统的登录页面,还没有做登录操作,所以放不放到Action都没有什么问题吧?作者: cafard-haibin 时间: 2009-6-22 09:48
请您下次别发一大堆英文帮助上来。这个解决不了问题。也让我个人看了感觉头疼。问题解决方法请参见附图。具体原理自己去看。作者: cebio 时间: 2010-7-2 10:12
如果init中参数化了登录用户,但是action中也有参数化且作迭代运行,则有可能不匹配出问题。作者: msnshow 时间: 2010-7-2 20:48
其实还是不太明白为什么会有这样的问题,丙个地方都参数化有何不可作者: 千里 时间: 2010-7-14 17:29
我init里面没有参数化,但运行仍然出现这个警告,很是奇怪。作者: tttyangxianghui 时间: 2012-7-23 16:31
我也出现这问题了,按照cafard-haibin 说的,ok了,但是原理还不太明白,我还是菜鸟~~~谢谢前辈了作者: 随风而动 时间: 2013-9-23 18:37
"RecContentType=text/html", 变成了"RecContentType=textml", 大家也注意检查下看看是否是同样的问题作者: liqingedu 时间: 2016-1-26 16:08
如果登陆程序在vuser_init中则在Run-Time的browser中取消SettingSimulate a new user on each iteration的选中就不报这个warning了
或者把登陆程序放到action中也不会报这个warning,具体为什么还不清楚啊作者: liqingedu 时间: 2016-1-26 16:12 标题: simulate a new user on each iteration 取消勾选 本帖最后由 liqingedu 于 2016-1-26 16:17 编辑
如果脚本在vser_init中需要把run-time setting中browser emulation下的simulate a new user on each iteration 取消勾选,就不报warning了