The best way to manage your TestFlight testers and builds from your terminal
add Adds new external tester(s) to a specific app (if given). This will also add an existing tester to an app.
builds Lists all builds for given application
distribute Distribute a previously uploaded binary to Apple TestFlight
export Exports all external testers to a CSV file
find Find tester(s) (internal or external) by their email address
help Display global or [command] help documentation
import Create external testers from a CSV file
list Lists all registered testers, both internal and external
remove Remove external tester(s) by their email address
upload Uploads a new binary to Apple TestFlight
Global Options:
-u, --username STRING Your Apple ID Username (PILOT_USERNAME)
-a, --app_identifier STRING The bundle identifier of the app to upload or manage testers (optional) (PILOT_APP_IDENTIFIER)
-i, --ipa STRING Path to the ipa file to upload (PILOT_IPA)
-w, --changelog STRING Provide the what's new text when uploading a new build (PILOT_CHANGELOG)
-d, --beta_app_description STRING Provide the beta app description when uploading a new build (PILOT_BETA_APP_DESCRIPTION)
-n, --beta_app_feedback_email STRING Provide the beta app email when uploading a new build (PILOT_BETA_APP_FEEDBACK)
-s, --skip_submission [VALUE] Skip the distributing action of pilot and only upload the ipa file (PILOT_SKIP_SUBMISSION)
-z, --skip_waiting_for_build_processing [VALUE] Don't wait for the build to process. If set to true, the changelog won't be set
-x, --update_build_info_on_upload [VALUE] Update build info immediately after validation. This will set the changelog even if PILOT_SKIP_SUBMISSION is set, but
-p, --apple_id STRING The unique App ID provided by iTunes Connect (PILOT_APPLE_ID)
--distribute_external [VALUE] Should the build be distributed to external testers? (PILOT_DISTRIBUTE_EXTERNAL)
-f, --first_name STRING The tester's first name (PILOT_TESTER_FIRST_NAME)
-l, --last_name STRING The tester's last name (PILOT_TESTER_LAST_NAME)
-e, --email STRING The tester's email (PILOT_TESTER_EMAIL)
-c, --testers_file_path STRING Path to a CSV file of testers (PILOT_TESTERS_FILE)