To write value-parameterized tests, first you should define a fixture class.
It must be derived from both ::testing::Test and ::testing::WithParamInterface<T> (the latter is a pure interface),
where T is the type of your parameter values. For convenience, you can just derive the fixture class from
::testing::TestWithParam<T>, which itself is derived from both ::testing::Test and ::testing::WithParamInterface<T>.
T can be any copyable type. If it's a raw pointer, you are responsible for managing the lifespan of the pointed values.
class testBuildAttrDesc : public::testing::TestWithParam<datatype>{};
The following class reads the envonrimental data from file "./dump_data/commodity_attribute_name_en","./dump_data/commodity_value_name_en",
every row consisted of the input and expected output from file "./dump_data/product_attribute/standard_custom_expect_attr.txt" and then push them into the vector