Position Desired:
Software Testing Engineer
Personal Information:
Name: Wang BaoJing Sex: Male
Date of Birth: November 1,1984 Major: information management
Graduating University: HeFei SanLian college
E-mail: whisht@yeah.net Mobile: 13764372716
Item Experience:
Time period: November.2007--- December.2007
Project Name: Counter V1.0
Describle Project: A software system of counting blank and code and comment row in .c or .cpp files.
1.participate in a review of SRS、HLD and LLD document and have a discussion with other people in group and expressed my own opinion.
2.Write system testing plan and testing requirement according to SRS document;
3.Have the methods of equivalence class、boundary value design system case and do the function test 、performance testing and GUI testing.
4.According to the HLD and design integrate test cases by the method of Big Bang Integration. Build the Condition of automated testing by TCL language and write testing scripts.
5.According to the LLD and design unit test case by the method of statement coverage、branch coverage and path coverage etc . Use the cppunit build the condition of the unit testing and check the branch coverage rate by bullseye coverage tool;
6.Execute all test cases and write test daily report and bug report. Finish the test report and give a summary of the counter test;
Testing Skills:
Be familiar with the life cycle of software and the life cycle of software testing.
Master the architecture of CMM.
Be familiar with the architecture of software quality management of ISO9000, 6 Sigma and quality model.
Knowing the process of software measuring and the factors effect software quality.
Be familiar with the methods of software testing including black box testing , white box testing , static testing, dynamic testing, manual testing and automatic testing etc.
Be familiar of the partition of testing process, the model of testing process, the criterion of testing process.
Master the process of peer review, configuration management, request management and defect management.
Master writing methods of testing plan, testing scheme, testing daily and testing report.
Master the methods of function testing, performance testing, and GUI testing.
Can use testing tools such as MI LoadRunner、QTP、TestDirector、CVS.作者: pokemon 时间: 2008-4-16 13:18